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UPDATE: Due to your feedback, I won't be implementing this idea. Thank you for voting!

Hello all! 

I'm going to get right into it: IMO, this is the encounter system's biggest problem, elegantly worded by an anonymous saint in the survey:

Once you know what a girl likes, it's just a matter of spamming that one thing, and there's no challenge to it.

There are many ways to solve this problem. Most solutions come from you (please suggest more!):

  • Every time you use an action, it is less effective next time
  • There are punishments for using an action too frequently
  • etc.

In the end, a combination of ideas will likely be used to solve the problem, but I thought up an idea that would take me down an interesting path:

What if, instead of a JRPG encounter system, it was more like a deck builder: you have a choice of three random actions drawn from a pool each turn. Actions like "head pats", "use item on self", "leave", "use item on monster girl".

This solves the problem because you couldn't choose "head pats" over and over again even if it were the best choice; next turn you are dealt new actions. Of course, you'd be able to customize your deck to have influence on which actions are more likely.

Hopefully I've explained that well. If I haven't, let me know and I'll clarify. And if you have better ideas, let me know that too!



Deck building games are focused on strategy (building the deck) and tactics (utilizing scarce resources and poorly dealt hands to the best possible benefit). They are nearly the anti-thesis of lewd/erotic game play. Deck building is a boner killer, especially when it comes to RNGeezus hating you every so often. I get that game play is a design goal, I just don't necessarily understand deck building in a game/world focused on building relationships. Diminishing returns, building up a pyramid of actions or a net like structure of actions (head pats open up the ability to do massages leading to erotic massage leading to sex for example), or having alternate resource costs (items, time, the girls patience or tolerance for such things). The time you spend designing, implementing, and testing a deck system could be used on more lewd :)


That's useful feedback, thanks. > Diminishing returns, building up a pyramid of actions or a net like structure of actions (head pats open up the ability to do massages leading to erotic massage leading to sex for example), or having alternate resource costs (items, time, the girls patience or tolerance for such things). The time you spend designing, implementing, and testing a deck system could be used on more lewd :) I think you are presenting this as *an alternative* to deck building, but I'm not 100% sure. It's in a paragraph that starts by talking about deck building. I want to make sure I understand your point correctly. Thanks again


Yeah, just suggestions as alternate ways to address the problem. To be clear, a game system of deckbuilding is not a deal breaker for me, happy to support you on the path you end up taking!

Lee Thompson

I *hate* deck games. I'm not even sure why but I really really hate them.


Thanks for letting me know! But unless the results of the survey somehow shift in one direction from this point forward, the idea is too divisive to implement IMO.


It's not impossible to do a deck-building game with erotic content. I've got one on my steam game list, currently. (Last Evil)


Thanks for the information! that said, it's so divisive, I don't think I want to go that route anymore.