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Hi all!  I got great feedback last week and this week I implemented some of your ideas.  I've also tweaked the story line a bit.  To make the story more comedic, I've decided that the monster girls have only visited this one town, but the town folks think it's normal because every 10 years they're invaded by a different dimension.  Only the MC thinks this is unusual.

Also, the monster girls invaded about two weeks ago, and where they came from doesn't have any tech, so they're amazed by the futuristic world that the MC lives in.  I think this will make for some interesting scenarios and, all things being equal, make the characters more likeable.

The main feedback I got was how annoying the energy system was.  Every time you visited a location, it subtracted an energy point.  Because you only had 3 energy and you couldn't visit most places at night, you could really only do 2 things a day and exploration was discouraged.  I've changed it so you don't lose energy from traveling, only specific events like fishing, progressing in a quest, planting a crop, etc.

I knew it would feel random if I did it this way without any feedback, so now certain buttons and dialogue choices have an energy icon to let you know it'll cost energy:

  • Dialog choices can cost energy.
  • Copy over the TMPro test from the old prototype - This means test that the text library I'm using will work correctly
  • Write a test that all code is in an asmdef - This means test that the game will compile at a reasonable speed.
  • Bug: All variables are now "text" type - My dialogue library had a bug in it that caused all my variables to change from boolean/number back to text which caused some issues.  Fortunately the solution was straightforward: Set them back.  I know what causes this bug so it's easy to prevent happening again.
  • Bug: I planted wheat and waited the required amount of time, the game would not recognize my efforts to harvest it. I could talk to Eva who said it was ready, but nothing changed. I couldn't plant more, I couldn't sell the wheat. I could only keep asking if it was ready and being told it was. (cannot reproduce) - I know this bug exists and I tried my best to reproduce it but I was unable to.  If anyone knows how to reproduce this consistently, let me know.  I'd really like to fix this one.
  • It does not cost energy to get your crops (because it already costs energy to plant them)
  • Bug: The wait button doesn't trigger Eva's appearance
  • When you're kicked out of the bathroom by Eva, you lose energy so you can't revisit the bathroom. - This used to work, but now that changing locations doesn't cost energy, I had to write some specific code to make it work again.
  • Give the wait icon a black background - You can see this in the above screenshot.  It was really hard to see the icon when the background had a white color behind it.
  • Fix a bug where the top of the energy bar could be cut off
  • Bug: By Fly traps. -> The Quest says to by them at the general store, but you can talk to any store owner to move the Quest along.
  • Clicking on some buttons costs energy - e.g., if you bring catnip to Mia, this drains an energy point.  
  • Subtract energy while the screen is faded. - I haven't done this everywhere yet, but I want the screen to fade out, and when it fades back in you have one less energy.  In some places, you lose energy first, then it fades out and in.
  • Remove the prologue and replace it with a (shitty) start menu - Yeah... it ain't pretty.
  • The MC's reaction to hearing his father died should be more realistic - There's a least a moment of sadness now :P
  • Change the story so that the MC is surprised about monster girls.
  • Eva will leave then come back as an animation before introducing herself
  • Take out the "No, don't!" joke as it sounds stilted. - This was a joke where you're jerking off, Eva says she's going to come back later and the MC says "don't," and she interprets it to mean you want her to stay and watch.  
  • Make the scroll bar larger so it's more obvious that you can scroll for more options
  • Post an ad looking for a UI artist. - Still talking to UI artists but I think improving the UI will help the game a lot.  I know the backgrounds look ugly too, and I've commissioned some artwork from Yo.