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First of all, happy new years eve!

Wanted to get people's opinions about something. I've noticed a trend: The longer I work on this game, the longer my scenes tend to get. For example, the new swimming scene is like 11k words. But, this latest release had 3 scenes that were about 3k each or less. I was wondering, which type of scenes do you folks prefer?

I can't promise that the results of this poll will change the way I write, but I'm very curious about your opinions.

In other news, I've been working on letting you choose the gender of the main character. If you have old saves, it should default to you being female. But if you start a new game, it should default to you being a cis male. I'm under the assumption that most people who play NSFW games want to play as that.

I think I'm actually done with the genderification (sp? Actually, that's not a word), but I know there are a bunch of places I've probably missed. e.g., Somewhere a character refers to you as "she" and I haven't found it yet. When this release comes out, if you play as a male and notice these issues, please, please, please let me know!


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