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Here's another gif of how the yearbook works. I made this mobile size so the gif is smaller.

You get to a passage that introduces Ms. Monet, and it pops up a message saying, "Ms. Monet was added to the yearbook!" Then, I skipped the rest of the scene (I'll explain why below). When I arrived in the office, it says, "Additional details have been added". I check the yearbook, and click on Ms. Monet's details. As you can see, there is a "Background" section and a "Details" section.

As soon as you meet a new character, you'll be able to go to the yearbook and see their background info. But I realized that the details should not show up, yet. The reason is, a detail might say, "You gave Luna a HJ under the table." But, what if that happens at the bottom of the passage? If you check the yearbook before you read that detail, it's kind of like a spoiler. "Aw, you mean that's what these 6 paragraphs are leading up to?"

So, I made it so the details only show up when you get back to your office. The background info is always available immediately, though.

Let me know what you think about this!

In related news, I've finished adding yearbook content for about 2 school weeks worth of content. I think there's 2 more weeks to add and I also have to do it for all the camera scenes.

I admit, this is not fun work because I have to comb over every passage and find out when people are introduced and the major actions they take. Personally, I'd rather write about Olivia training Mia's urethra. I'm not saying this to complain, just to reiterate my hope is it'll make the game more enjoyable and accessible to players. In other words, once you get a chance to use it, I really want you to tell me if the yearbook gives you a bad experience or if a tweak could give you a better experience.


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