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I have these tests that play the game by clicking on random links until they reach a page with no more links. If they see any errors on the page, they report it back to me.

Why does this matter? As you may know, I'm rewriting all the code of the game so that I can have a fetish picker and multiple save slots. These tests tell me what passages have an error so I don't have search through the game by hand to find it.

Did you know Academy of Fetishes has about 85,000 words? Could you imagine reading that from start to finish to find all the bugs and find all the old code that needs to be converted? That would be a huge pain in the butt!

These tests give me the confidence that the next release will have minimal (hopefully no) bugs even though I'm basically modifying every single page of the game.

I'm not sure how much more I need to change, but it feels like I'm about 75% done.

I have a little survey for you guys/gals. I'd like to gauge people's interest in hermaphrodites AKA futanari. That is, women with a penis and a vagina.

PS: Sorry this update isn't more lewd, but spending every day rewriting code kinda makes you think about code :(


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