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Hey guys, 

The light novel has been updated to Chapter 06! 

 A lot of stuff had to be looked over to prevent spoilers for the comic but provide insight and slight backstory. 

This is the last chapter that will be added to the light novel, the rest of the chapters will be illustrated and added to the comic itself. Thanks!

https://tapas.io/episode/2469923 - Chapter link .


Doe N

Such a good chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


yaayyy a new chapter!


as always thank you for your hard work<3


Ohhh sho sho 😭 you really know how to portray the plot and the characters emotions and personalities so clearly, that was an amazing chapter, especially in exploring his sexuality and the hardships he is and going to have 😭😭

Chelsea Martin

So exciting!! Thank you so much for your time and work ❤️ !!!

Sad Lad

Ahh the chapter was amazing!! I'm sad it's the last chapter for the light novel but way more excited to see the rest be drawn out into the story!! 😭 Also that chapter really struck my heart and even a bit close to home.


Just saw this notification and haven’t read the chapter yet but I’m so psyched already! Sad to know that this will be the last chapter but happy to know that they’ll be depicted in the comic! If there are upcoming light novels, I’ll definitely want to read those too! 😉😋

Bj. Vali



I was looking forward to the light novel as much as the comic itself. But I can’t wait to see how it all comes together in the comic 💜💜


Oh my gosh. I just read all 6 chapters in one go and it solidifies that I haven't been this invested in a story since BWAT (Taming the Tiger and Tale of Yellow Dragon). This entire world being built has drawn me in since day 1 and I'm invested on all levels 🥺