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Hey guys,

How is everyone doing? I hope all is well. Today I will be sharing an interview featuring Karasu. Please have a fun read!

  • Interviewer: And Su, you’re the youngest member of the band, correct?

  • Karasu: Yes, that’s right.

  • Karasu: Ota & Renji are quite a bit older than me.

  • Interviewer: Right, but you’re the leader. How does that make you feel?

  • Karasu: Well, it can be a bit awkward at times. But we are close, so it’s easier to be comfortable with them.

  • Interviewer: You also get most of the attention from the girls, have you ever wondered why?

  • Karasu: Um, no. I haven’t. But I believe Renji-San gets more attention than I do.

  • Karasu: He’s taller and handsome.

  • Interviewer: Well, aren’t you humble. The polls state differently.

  • Karasu: Haha, really? Sorry. I might have to apologize to my seniors later.

  • Interviewer: Honestly, the viewers are dying to know. Which parent blessed you with such good genes?

  • Interviewer: Even I’m jealous, just sitting here looking at you.

  • Karasu: Oh no, you really shouldn’t be. You’re quite handsome yourself.

  • Interviewer: Well, I feel better now.

  • Karasu: But in all honesty, I look just like my dad. He’s better-looking than me.

  • Interviewer: Really? You’re father? Surprisingly. Usually, pretty boys look like their mothers.

  • Karasu: That’s the thing, my dad is just as pretty. My older brothers also resemble him.

  • Karasu: To be honest, I am not the most handsome in my family. It would be my eldest brothers.

  • Interviewer: Wow, a family filled with good-looking men. I am quite jealous.

  • Interviewer: Was your father a model? Or your mother?

  • Karasu: Unfortunately, none of my parents were models. But I know they would have been good ones.

  • Interviewer: Right. I can say all the viewers will agree as well.

  • Interviewer: In a recent interview you did in the States, you stated you learned the electric guitar from your father. From that information, was he also in a band?

  • Karasu: Not at all. He was just skilled at it. When he was a young adult, he played it as a hobby.

  • Karasu: So, when I told him I wanted to pursue music, he was very supportive and helped me.

  • Interviewer: WOW, what an amazing story. He seems like a chill guy.

  • Karasu: Haha, well. I suppose he can be, sometimes.

  • Interviewer: Everyone usually talks about your fashion sense as well. Where do you take your inspiration from?

  • Karasu: Well. I know I might sound like a broken record at this point. But my older brothers. I steal all their ideas and copy their style.

  • Karasu: Especially Satsujin’s. He’s a bit of a fashion icon in our family.

  • Interviewer: AH yes, that is the one who tags along with you on most of your tours?

  • Karasu: Yes. That’s correct. It may seem like he copies my style, but it’s the exact opposite.

  • Karasu: He’s very talented.

  • Interviewer: Ah, that’s a sweet thing to say. You seem to really like talking about your family.

  • Karasu: Yes, well. I love my family. They inspire me to do better every day. I hope I can inspire them to be better every day too.

  • Interviewer: I’m sure they are watching. Is there anything you’d like to say to them?

  • Karasu: Um, well. I hope they stay out of trouble and that I love them.

  • Karasu: But I think they already know this.

If you guys wish to have a part two, please let me know!

Thank you for reading.



Is Karasu in a relationship with someone? 🤔 He’s so sweet 🍭🍭🥹 And of course I enjoyed reading this interview. I’ll waiting for second part 🤗


Awww! I love him sooo muchhhh, he's so sweet and the way he talks about his family with so much love and him looking up to his big brothers is adorable!!!!

Moe C-H

Please 🙏 do a part 2 I love this!