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launch on January 23rd



M Rich

Only real criticism on this one, and it’s awesome so I’m always reluctant to comment, is the chest. I think it’s too common and distracting to give every female character a set of implants. This character would be better served with a more modest, or at least natural looking, chest. These look too artificially enhanced and it really pulls the attention away from an otherwise great figure (kind of the same way stripper heels on Xena did). Lastly, the form fitting nature of the uniform. I think some more tension in the fabric makes sense rather than the suit looking vacuum sealed around every little feature would go a long way in selling the aesthetic of her figure. Going back to the first comment, a form fitting suit wouldn’t exactly wrap alway under her breast and suction to everything. I love the sculpts, but a few of these minor adjustments to be more “natural” would really help bring this home. Unrelated to this model but in a similar thought, is when you see sculpts with straps that wrap around a character’s torso and they’re suctioned around every curve of the body despite being pulled taught. Straps and strings just don’t work like that, and our eyes will pick that stuff up and be drawn to it. Straps should be pulled in straight lines between two points or hang loose, so any deviation from that makes the viewer look twice and scratch their head. Love what you’re doing though. Still good stuff despite my comments.

M Rich

The assassin robot would be awesome. Still refer to people I don’t like as Meat Bag.