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Version comes with a big bunch of medium sized features and improvements!

Hot & New:

  • Eraser Option for Black Box Mode
    Removes all pixels from the image!
    (Remember that JPG has no transparency, but you can auto convert them to png via pury.fi at File settings!)

  • Line Shape
    This is probably the coolest feature at!
    This Shape will MULTIHIT all boxes of the same type, creating censor art on a new level!
    You can find this option in almost all censor modes under "Shape", give it a try!

  • Border Option
    You can now add Borders to many censor modes

  • Custom Color Schemes & Default Color Schemes
    If you do not like our Teal you can now switch to one of 4 additonal color schemes for the pury.fi UI or even create your custom one by just defining 4 base colors!
    You can find this option under "Advanced".

  • GIF optimization
    Optimization settings to GIFs which should reduce both processing times, as well as the likelihood of content mistakenly going uncensored.

Minor Improvements

  • Added a grayscale setting to the strong blur mode of OOM.
  • Added a password randomizer button to security.
  • Added options for customizing the UI's color scheme.
  • Updated statistic and help page to new UI style.
  • Presets can now be copied and pasted across censor modes, where non-shared fields are simply ignored
  • Base 64 images are now preemptively blurred when the web page loads, before any image gets to render.
  • The word wall is now drawn under the borders of box censors.
  • In pixel censors, the area covered by a hexagonal or glitched pixel is now the same one a mosaic pixel would cover at the same effect strength.
  • Pixels in pixel censors are now aligned to the image rather than to the detection. This means that same size pixels across detections will now line up.
  • The diameter of circle shapes is now determined by the average of the width and height of the detection, rather than by the smallest dimension of the two.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug which had censor preset tabs stop working after deleting one under certain conditions.
  • Fixed bug which had very high values of feathering not draw perfectly smooth edges
  • Fixed bug which had file output types be ignored for some censors modes in base 64 and local files.
  • Fixed bug which had min/max size and dimensions be ignored for some censors modes in base 64 and local files.
  • Fixed bug in triangle censors which allowed the vertex count to be possibly greater than the pixel count of the effect area, which would then lead to the extension freezing.
  • Fixed bug which had the min/max height inputs in file types not trigger a save when modified.
  • Fixed bug which had pasting a preset config not trigger a save.
  • Bar censors no longer stack on top of other bar censors on the same layer or on top of the reverse censor, now they instead clip, like they once used to.
  • Blob images are now also picked up and censored by the base 64 scanner.
  • Base 64 images added or modified after the web page has finished loading now also get picked up for censoring.
  • Feathering no longer scales with the size of the effect area, now the feathering instead scales with the size of the image and the size of the effect area scales with the feathering.
  • Fixed a bug in batch converter when converting images while oom is enabled

    Edit: Updated to



Right on! Thanks for the update ❤️

Elatha N



Any plans on an eye censor?, if you add this, then this is a 10/10 addon for me. It already is a sold 8.


video overlay has completed stopped working for me since installing this update, wont do it automatically and I cant manually enable it, tried going back to a previous update but doesnt work, cleared my cache and re-installed my browser but still wont work?


Hmm thats a weird error, the video overlay is not using a lot of settings which could get corrupted. Please try a full reset in help. PM me if you need further assistance! ; )

Ash B

When can we expect the line shape option on Firefox Mobile?


The Mobile release comes usually a bit after the usual release, and that one happens once we release a new version ; )


How to stop Cloud Settings


My native language is not English. I used the id of Cloud Settings. Then I updated purfi. Now I cannot load images when I open purfi. How to initialize puryfi?


Hi, i'm not sure what exactly you did. In any case you can reset your extension in "HELP" or you can alternatively reinstall the extension.


I used the Cloud Settings of the Settings interface, Now my PuryFi is not working properly, how do I change this Cloud Settings


You can load any other cloud setting, reset your extension or just change settings as usual. But it's likely better for you to message me on discord and get some help directly.

ke wu

After the update, the Reveal Faces function of Box Tease in Only Once Mode does not work and cannot reveal face pictures