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New Features:

Only Once Mode:
is a new patreon reward and its a completely new censoring concept put into functionality. OOM allows you to open each image exactly once! And will permanently block the image once you load the image any time again in the future. It doesn't matter if you load the image on another page as the extension does remember the image and not the URL. Thus effectively and permanently extinguishing the image from the web.

Only Once Mode comes with a few functions and customisation options:

  • 6 Modes:
    - Full Block
    - See Through (2% transparency)
    - Borderless
    - Thumbnail
    - Grid
    - Strong Blur
  • Precision:
    How similar an image can be to something you have already seen
    Ever seen slightly different versions of one image by your favorite artist? Yeah? We can block them right away too.
  • Custom text, timestamp and classes:
    Add custom text, timestamps or display the classified AI output.
  • Custom Trigger:
    You can decide when an image is put into OOM, every image or only images containing certain body parts?
    Info: Disable all body parts to put every image into OOM
    (recommended if you also want to block thumbnails)

> Thumbnails:
OOM was adjusted to not block original sized images by loading their thumbnail.
You can tweak the behaviour slightly by changing precision and min image dimensions.
OOM respects file type settings, lower min. file size and dimensions if you also want to block thumbnails set them lower or to 0.

How does it work?
We use perceptual image hashes in combination with a strong compression algorithm and a container-tree data structure to allow roughly >1.000.000 images to be reminded by the extension.

What comes next?
OOM is not done yet! More modes, optimised hashing algorithm and more are planned for the next sub-releases.

Thank you very much for your support!

Bug Fixes & Improvements:

  • Fixed unnecessary re-caching of stickers



The lock is now broken, tho. It unlocks itself whenever a permanently blocked image is loaded, as far as I can say.


Thank you for report, i will check that!