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New Features:

  • Lock and unlock your extension!
    - You can lock your extension either by password, time lock or both.
    - A locked extension can't be turned off and the options you can change become limited.
    - If you accidentally locked yourself out of the extension you can unlock it by joining the special Patreon Tier (It is Pure Patreon right now for the testing phase but will be moved to its own tier at some point).
  • Quick Settings
    Store your settings and quickly switch between them.
    You can find this feature in "advanced".

Bug Fixes & Improvements:

  • Changed the way stickers are stored within the extension!
    You can now import much more custom stickers than before!

    IMPORTANT: Upgrading to this version will require you to reset your stickers if you have added your own! You can export them and re-import them after your sticker reset though to keep them.
  • Extension is starting now a little bit faster
  • Added missing modes to the context menu

This is kind of a first test of the new features, there are probably some ways to cheat around the lock feature for now which we will try to close within the next version(s).
Please send me feedback if you find exploits or bugs!

PS: Prevent your extension from being uninstalled (not personally tested yet) -> https://www.thewindowsclub.com/prevent-uninstallation-of-firefox-add-ons-in-windows



when i try to store my settings i can not load them only default but when i press on load nothing happens, can you help me?


Hi Floko do you happen to have discord? We can look into the problem together if you want.