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New Version:

Version 0.6.1 brings improvements for the video overlay and an entire new censor mode for images.

New Features:

  • New censor mode: Glitch
    Glitches areas of the image by shifting the color channels and applying other effects.
    Note: Glitch mode has currently a bad performance and takes a bit longer than the other modes much depending on the image size.
    (Using it on videos is not recommended)
    More custom control options will be available for this mode in future versions.
  • The experimental video censor overlay has now a much better performance
  • Black Bar: x10 times faster on videos and a bit faster on images
  • Pixelation: x100 times faster on videos and faster on images
  • Hexagons and Hexaglitch: x50 times faster on videos and faster on image
  • Censor settings can now be changed and applied while the video is playing
  • The extension handles videos now much more efficient, videos do no longer have to fully load to be displayed!
  • Removed a bug which caused only JPG to be processed for the local file feature



So hyped about the faster pixelation and the improved video performance. Can't wait to try it out. Thank you for the update!


That's great, i think it is still far from being good enough though but i still hope you enjoy it!

Kasper V

I am no longer able to enable the expermental video censor feature after updating the app to v0.6.1 :(


@Kasper V please PM me here or on discord, i'm sure we can resolve the issue.