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Boy this sketch is older than I realized. Was able to get the energy and focus to work on something and was in a surge for best green gal, so here's the flats so far. Hopefully get here shaded/painted here soon as well. Also have a couple of Kitty sketches I need to get more finished/presentable and then I'll put those up as well. 

Seeing a doctor in the next few days, so here's hoping I can maybe get an answer/possible solution to some of the issues making my sleep so awful (though mentioning it feels like I'm jinxing myself lol. Oh well).




do hope the doctors visit went well/goes well!


Thank you! I still gotta figure out some stuff but bloodwork was all good, so some stuff I was worried might be there wasn't and that's nice lol. Still not sure the causes of some other things but, will get there.