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Hey all, I meant to post this earlier but honestly the guilt of posting so irregularly made opening the tab... well, daunting.

I think I off-handedly mentioned last time I'd had a return to some sleep issues. Unfortunately while I got the noise problem largely taken care of, I've now developed an issue of restless leg that has been persistent for several weeks - and which makes getting to sleep and staying asleep a nightmare. As a result the actual sleep I've been getting has been... sub-standard to say the least, and it's been rough.

Through it I did manage to knock out a couple of designs here that I had floating in my head, and when I finish my current commission you'll be the first ones to get to see it. But I'm sorry it's taken so long and that I've fallen so far behind, as well as taking so long to just... inform you all of what is happening when I should have sooner (and honestly wanted to but, again, paralyzing feelings of guilt).

I'm still a little iffy on these two characters but think I have the broad idea of their purpose, so I could prolly go into that some later if people wanted/care lol. For now I just wanna share their designs and update everyone (I'm also noticing my two prominent non-feminine male characters are both well-dressed dudes with one or more mechanical limbs... lol. Surely I'll do some with crazier designs sometime?).

Thank you all again for everything ♥




Really do dig the vibes of these characters!