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I do actually have a plan for an image lol, but in typical fashion it's probably a bit complex. Wanted to utilize some help for mocking the pose up first, so I've set Zbrush back up and just been kind of re-watching a few things to get familiar with using the mannequins again.

It's not super complex stuff, but, "new" makes my brain scared so it's just been a little slow. Hopefully it'll help me get composition working well early on though.

Just wanted to update and say something -is- coming lol, last couple weeks were just kind of full of waking up early for repairmen and stuff and sapping my energy.


Stepford (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-31 21:26:56 I can't wait to see it! P4 never misses. <3
2021-11-12 09:46:55 I can't wait to see it! P4 never misses. <3

I can't wait to see it! P4 never misses. <3