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I prolly tweeted about this, but just wanted to share here as well. Mostly lost last week to a near inability to get any sleep. Kinda sucked. Weekend wasn't as bad, last night was sort of mixed. Hoping things will stay a bit improved though.

Anyway, it kinda put me behind a bit and wrecked the shit out of me. Wanted to be up front about any possible delays due to it. Losing that week hurt a whole lot less with ya'll's support though ♥



Unfortunately, I can relate. Hope the underlying cause is behind you!


Sadly not entirely. It's been due to additional noise (out of my control), but anxiety might have been making that worse as well. The noise hasn't lessened but, I've maybe at least found a few things to try and help a bit. A new fan might also help drown some of it out once I can get my hands on one. Here's hoping, for sure. But thank you none the less, and sorry to hear you've also had to deal with bad sleep ):