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Hey everyone! I wanted to get a bit of feedback on the content I put up on here.

For a while I had the pace of a big pretty image every couple of weeks, but that was partially due to having a slight backlog of unposted work along with new images. At this moment, alongside commissions, it's likely going to be a bit rough for me to crank out two really polished pieces like that. I'd like to get back to that, but the current amount of time it takes me is a bit if a hindrance.

That said my question is this: Would you all enjoy if I filled the time between the big pretty pictures (likely at the beginning of every month) with more things like sketches and slightly less polished work? I've been putting WIP stuff up on here too and hopefully you all enjoy those as well, along with the HD versions of commissions.

So, are sketches something you all would not only enjoy, but would be happy with seeing and receiving? Or are you more here for the really polished stuff only? Or a more nuanced opinion? Please let me know either with a vote or even a comment on this. I appreciate your support so much and want to give you all content - my speed is just still slower than I'd like when it comes to getting the really pretty pictures done.

As I get faster though hopefully I can get back to two (and eventually more) a month.



I would also like to see things you wont finish too~ maybe a doodle dump~ your process is so good! ^^


Heck yeah! Seeing sketches would be flipping awesome, even if you don't turn them into polished pics~