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I honestly did not expect this to get off the ground so quickly or to have this much support so fast, and I just wanted to say how much I appreciate it. ♥

I hope you all will bare with me through some of the growing pains and while I try to speed up my process more. The really pretty pics still take me a bit to complete (and I still currently do commissions to handle my largest bill), but I'd like to see if I can possibly sprinkle in some messier stuff and sketches or something to give you all more content on top of those.

Of course, anything anyone would really like to see content-type wise I'd love to hear. Feel free to reply to this with suggestions, though I may try to make some sort of poll or something to ask people as well.

And of course, I hope everyone is keeping safe and healthy as best they can. Please take care of yourselves and put your financial needs first and foremost.



Believe me, you're doing great!~ don't even worry about it!~💖

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-31 21:32:06 You're doing fine sweetie~ You keep doing you and we'll support ya! <3
2020-03-29 20:49:24 You're doing fine sweetie~ You keep doing you and we'll support ya! <3

You're doing fine sweetie~ You keep doing you and we'll support ya! <3


Quick! she needs more money, I mean love and adoration. Shower her in both to be sure!