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Dream Molder Poll

  • Release Dream Molder in Episodes 95
  • Release Dream Molder as Beta and Update over time 29
  • 2020-04-18
  • —2020-04-27
  • 124 votes
{'title': 'Dream Molder Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'Release Dream Molder in Episodes', 'votes': 95}, {'text': 'Release Dream Molder as Beta and Update over time', 'votes': 29}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 4, 27, 18, 48, 41, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 4, 18, 15, 7, 17, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 124}


Quick note for anyone not caring:
I've finished making the live2d models needed for the upcoming h-animation loops and am in the last steps of finishing them.
I'm still going to take a couple of days depending on how everything looks, but will definitely release them (hopefully sooner then)later this month!
There's a short preview of how they look on the discords "Dream Molder News" channel if you're interested.

Alright, this is the poll regarding Dream Molder's "upcoming" release that I've mentioned in my previous post.

The main reason for me posting this is because of how much time I spent working on DM without being able to post/upload anything simply because of I long I take for everything I'm working on.
No posts means no support for me for this month which could be solved by posting progress updates instead which I, however, feel aren't worth the support.

Secondly there's still so much other stuff I would love to work on.
Thing's to improve and projects to share which I simply don't have the time for while working on DM.

I know that a lot of people already told me that simple progress updates are enough, but I want to make sure that everyone (or in this case the majority) thinks that way.

This should be enough background. And to not make any more of an drama out of this let's move right on to the..

Poll options~

*Release Dream Molder in Episodes-
This is how I planned on doing it for a while now, but just to make sure for everyone that doesn't know what this means:
I'm going to solely focus on the release of Dream Molder and work on 1-2 h-Scenes + story to release the game in complete "Chapters".

This won't be the quickest way to releases/posts as I might take multiple months(1-2) finishing each chapter but it's definitely going to get the finished gameplay out faster.
This pretty much mean that if this option wins I won't have to tlk myself down when only posting progress updates each month (week if wanted?) and still get support until the full Episode/Chapter is ready for release.

*Release Dream Molder as Beta and Update over time
This option is for those that already want to play the FULL story, even if it doesn't have all the art or no 18+/h-scenes yet.

Instead of working on a release of a chapter, I would take a bit more time to build a complete beta version of the game using the art I already have, then gradually update it with new models/art/animations every month and post them as patreon only content.

Once I've got enough for an episode or chapter I would upload that one as public build for all.
Taking this option would mean smaller but more frequent uploads/content for the game over here, but also that complete episodes with all art will take a bit longer.
This also means that I could work on other art/projects on the side as there is less focus on meeting huge release dates. (random animations/mini games/demos for other projects/etc)

You can expect the "beta" version of the game to have the full story and look similar to the demo video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgK6DgDrPXU&t=87s ) that I've posted earlier this month.

However, h-scenes (+18stuff) and CG's(still&full body art splashs) will be missing and slowly be added over time.

Please know that I'm completely fine with both of these options.
I simply want to make sure that everyone knows what's going on and that the decision I make regarding those releases is what you want.

I will finish/upload the upcoming h-scene animation loops over the next couple days, then start working on a demo of that scene.

How we'll move on after that will depend on this poll.
Thanks for everyone reading through this and giving your opinion, I know I always make this harder than it has to be.
Have a nice weekend everyone and I see you with the release of the h-scene loops!


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