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I've been pushing this post back for a couple days now but I guess I have to post it at some point.
Because of a few situations going on in my life I didn't quite have the time and/or means to work on the H-Sketch Demo as I planned to, which made me end up releasing shorter H-Scenes instead of the full Demo.
4 H-Scenes have been finished and uploaded, another 5 need to be done with 2 1/2 still to be drawn.
A big problem with why progress got slower was because of me being burned out from doing nothing but working on DM for a while now, the other one being my health.

For the past week now the progress almost came to a complete hold, making me take a step back and rethink how I'm going forward whith all of this while making everyone happy.

And since the quality of what I made only got worse for a while now I decided to instead of finishing the hSketch Demo, take a break from DM to do some random art and animations like it was actually planned for the month of august.

Hopefully I will then return healthy and reinvigorated the month after to keep working on DM in a proper manner and get out the quality I want the game to have!
Because of this I'm actually glad that I paused the support on patreon and will keep it paused until I think that I'm back to the point that I wanted to be.

If you think that pausing monthly support isn't needed or just really wanted to throw money at me, just know that It's already enough support to stay aound and keep following what I'm doing.
I will keep posting stuff that I get done in the meantime and hope to make up for the long silence with some awesome animations/art.

Now for the last part:
Next month when I'm going to return to work on DM I will have to decide if I'm going to finish the H-Sketch Demo or skip it to go straight to coloring and modeling for the first "actual" demo of the game.

I think part of why I got burned out was because I felt like I didn't get anywhere working on those sketches and scenes for so long and I would probably work a lot faster if I started working on the actual thing.
However, I would also understand if people wanted to have the H-Scenes finished so they could play the full Sketch Demo without the awkward missing scenes inbetween.

That's why I'm putting out a poll to let you decide what you want to see once I'm back to DM.
I'm sorry for making anyone that was looking ahead to the h-scenes wait and I hope that you will stay around for future updates either way.

Have a nice week everyone,



Do whatever you feel is best. I'm sure we can wait however long.


While i would love for it to be finished, if your not feeling well take a break from it. Come back like next monday or so. Your health is important. Don't stress yourself out.


take a break you deserve it


Hard to pick anything other than the less burny-outie option.Worth waiting.


Take a break, which is good for you, no matter how hard it is, we are with you on this journey, I speak right from Brazil