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Just a small note that shiny versions have been added to the posts.
I might have made mistakes while naming or uploading since there were a lot of files, so if you have any problems just let me know and I'll fix it right away!

Also a little plan/reminder on what I'm going to do this month..
There will be no charged posts in march, instead:

- I will put main focus to working on Dream Molder (Braixen Visual Novel) and hopefully getting the Character Sketch Demo ready to upload for you guys at the end of the month.
- Around halfway through the month I will post another poll for you guys to decide what kind of art/animation you want to see next.
- This will somewhat depend on how much progress I'm making on dream molder, but I will let you know if anything changes.

The poll will keep the votes from last time but I will also add some additional stuff that people were asking for.

So if you have any request or suggestion you can also just leave it here and I'll add it to the list!



I like the “extra” animations, but I’m glad that you focus on Dream molder :D, because I wanna see the sketches of all the characters... and most important , the sketches of Fia :D!!! -Brayan X.


The only difference was The files were ordered differently when the shiny variant had “tail” first in the title. But if people want the clips in a specific order then they have to do it themselves anyway. Which can easily be done by just renaming them 1,2,3,4etc and sorting them by name. so it’s nothing to worry about at all. I’m all for focus on dream molder too. But if you want to do this thing with the bi monthly drawings. I would suggest... an anthro sneasel? I think it would be much less hassle to draw the sneasels features rather than weaviles giant head dress thing. Plus I think it looks better. But! If finishing the lucario animation is an option my vote goes to that instantly. I don’t feel as strongly about those compared to dream molder being one step closer to completion though. I’m just trying to participate if you do indeed want to keep trying these small projects. Excuse my spacing, my phone is weird

Sparky Vixult

Really looking forward to the sketch demo. Can I suggest adding finishing the Lucario animation to the poll (if you want to of course)? I would also love to see your take on Delphox, since your Zoroark animation is just so good, but if you don’t want to draw Delphox because they are in Dream Molder then that is fine. Can I also make a suggestion for the voting, perhaps instead of carrying across the votes from last time you could allow people to choose more than one option in the poll? That way if people like more than one option they can choose both of them, I’ve seen this work well with other artists. Carrying across votes from last time means that new options have little chance of actually being picked.

Side B

Greetings InDarkWaters. I've been following your works and progress for a while and I've finally decided to officially give my support, not only finantially, but any other way I can afford. If you even wondered who anonymously wrote that big feedback wall back in July when you decided to redesign Fia, that was me. I go by the name of Side B now, so at least I can be identified from now on. Unfortunately, personally, I won’t be of any help for the sketch demo in term of feedback. I want to wait for the complete project before experiencing it for the first time. On another subject, while your arts and animations are greatly appreciated, you shouldn’t feel bound to do them, should you lack motivation. Remember that you started those in the first place to avoid getting burned by working too much on Dream Molder. Passion is what drives your work, so make sure to keep that in mind. Anytime you want to fully focus on Dream Molder for a month, don’t hesitate to do so, as long as it is what motivates you in the moment. After all, we are not customers, we are supporters. - Side B


First of all thanks for you interest and staying around for so long then. There's no need to worry about the sketch demo since I would have done the same. As for the art and animations, I mostly work on those because I started the whole Dream Molder project to grow as an artist. Not beeing able to post art for a while makes me feel stuck with the game since I can't "grow", but forcing myself to take a break from it definitely isn't the right way. I'm still trying to find the right balance between Work/Free Time and Art/Patreon, but I'm sure it's going to work out at some point. So thanks for the feedback and the support. I hope to make your stay worth it!


I'm definitely going to add it. I'm kind of unsure if it's worth adding it since it's not really going to be anything "new" and if people would like seeing the same thing again. But I guess people voting for it would mean I was worried over nothing and I wouldn't mind working on it. Having multiple options would be fine as well, but I would probably still carry over the votes from last time since I "promised" to the last time. this shouldn't be a problem I guess?


To be honest the "tail" variant in the name is annoying myself, but it was easier to sort this way. xD Anthro Sneasel sounds nice. :> I'm interested though, with Pokemon like Sneasel or lets say Eeveelutions... Anthro versions would need a lot of change, but there is a lot of people that dislike too many changes in the design of the original Pokemon. How do you guys think about that?


I have to say I did take out a lot of "unimportant" characters to reduce work on the game. For now I'm they still have "?-Placeholders" as graphic, but I wanted to remove them for the character sketch demo and only keep graphics for the important characters. Should I keep the placeholders to have a feel of how it would look like "seeing" other/unimportant characters, or do you not care if they're gone?


In the case of sneasel. It’s body is too simple besides the jewels and feathers. It’s head and face however are the only remarkable features so I’d just straight up give it a human body with the tail feathers and chest jewel. I look at it’s original body and I don’t know what you could do with it. Pokémon like eevee and it’s evolutions on the other hand. There is room to get creative with their original features. Like sylveons ribbons. Or vaporeons ability to become waterlike. Taking on a more translucent look. Umbreons glowing markings. Plus Their bodies themselves are already detailed more than sneasels to begin with. Sneasel just doesn’t have any features and it’s body is too cartoonish. So that’s why I say anthro sneasel. It lacks too many features to warrant keeping its original body shape. I doubt sneasel will win the poll anyway. But that’s what I think about the idea of non anthro Pokémon becoming anthro and large scale changes to appearance. There is definitely potential with the eeveelutions without making them anthro.

Side B

I prefer original design over anthro versions, but I think this is the kind of question that would be worth making a pool of. Even if you don't plan to do anything about it for the moment, it's always good to know more about your followers and what they like. It's also fun for us to have some kind of activity. Eeveelution sounds great. I don't think I ever saw you draw any "feral" Pokémon, so I never knew how you felt about that.


Personally I think you should keep the placeholders. It would not only help give a feel for the environment and atmosphere based on the position of other people, but it might help with development too since you won't be scrambling to figure out where everyone goes.


I would absolutely love to see an eevee. There is just something about that particular pokemon that is endearing to me. It looks all fluffy and 'huggable' to me.