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  • DemoVideo.mp4
  • DemoVideo-MaleOnMale-Animations.mp4



Planned for the NSFW version of the lucario was something like a short, interactive flash game where you can turn on/off different features like breasts/chest fluff and swap gender while stimulating Lucario to move on to the next animation.

However, it seems like that plan was still a bit too much for me to realize in a month.
I do have a few animations, but they didn't have the quality I would have liked them to have for a proper high resolution upload/release.

Here's a extract if you're interested in what the animations vaguely looked like..

I'll add a slightly(!) longer version as a download if you still want to keep it.
I can also put together a rough version of the interactive "game" I planned in the future if you like, but it would keep the quality of the gif.

Until then I will upload uncensored versions of the animated wallpaper instead.
I wont be able to upload all of them at once since the rendering/converting of the videos/animations pretty much kills my computer, but I will upload the ones I have right now and will add the different variations one at a time over the days.

Let me know if there's anything you would like to be uploaded/changed or added.
I'm mostly working on Dream Molder this month but I'll be happy to help out where I can.

DemoVideo // Demo Animations
DemoVideo-MaleOnMale-Animations // some Demo Animations with male Lucario

Anthro // Animated Wallpaper Anthro Version without Breast
AnthroWithBreasts // Animated Wallpaper Anthro Version
Male-Version1 // Animated Wallpaper with male Lucario


Sparky Vixult

Wow that looks amazing! I wasn’t expecting that many scenes and details to be animated. Seriously, this is fantastic work, the movements look so smooth and realistic, I can’t believe you did this in such a short time. I would love to see a longer/complete version released at some point, but now I’m really looking forward to Dream Molder and eventually seeing more of Fia animated.


i just thought it was gonna be some simple animated pictures with lewd variants. i had no idea you were going this far dude! that shiny lucario in the sfw post is GORGEOUS! and this is just... WOW!! lemme peel my eyes away for a moment. so, in the future if something like this were to be made again. maybe we could have a small vote on a single definitive version instead of having several different versions to render and everything. i think its safe to say you went a little overboard for a months length projectXD. but, as for my expectations. im blown away you got this far into it. even if all you have to show for the game is some zoomed in clips. i think a full little game is out of the question at this point. but id love to see what would have been as an mp4 or something more simple. god, im speaking totally selfishly at this point... but man its really good. i cant help but want more. being my favorite poke and all. is there a shred of hope we'll see the rest of the animation some day?


I would love to see this complete. But take youre time and do it at your own pace. But man this is some good quality you make. I would like to see more.


Thanks for the feedback ;) I didn't tell anybody what I'm planning since I wasn't sure about getting it done from the start. And for the full animation.. I would need to redraw/model a lot of the things in the animation to complete it. I will definitely look back at it to make the interactive flash+some additional animations, but I won't redraw anything for now.


My goodness the quality in this animation *really* shows. Like, I love this. It really tells that you put plenty of time and effort into your work, and its something I truly appreciate. Keep up the great work!


What are the WMV files for? I can only seem to access a short portion when they are that file name?


That's strange.. You could try using a different video player to play them. I think some had problems with this format depending on what platform you're watching the video.


Ik this was a long time ago, any updates to this?


Yeah, I was planning on releasing it around now but never got to work on it after being sick for so long. I did do some preparations and clean up work on the old model already though, so whenever I have the time between working on the Dream Molder Update I will finish the new scenes!