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There we go guys!

This took me way too long and I feel like I did nothing but working on this the last few days. xD
But there it is, the next part for the Braixen Visual Novel Demo.

It's not completly done, the title screen is missing and some bugs might still sneak around and all that stuff...

But H-Scenes+Animations are done and it is at least playable so far. Just keep in mind that it's still a learning and trying process for me.

Im unsatisfied with a lot of the content (that's why I chose to do a demo instead a full game in the first place), but as long as anyone out there likes it I'm happy and it was worth it. :>

The files I added are the full version for Windows and Mac. For anyone that wants a porn-free game I also added a SFW version without any nudity or Hentai Scenes. A lot shorter because of that though ofc.
If Mac support for the sfw version is needed just let me now and I'm going to add this one too.

This is a patreons only pre-release and I will release the (hopefully) bugfree version with title screen and some little changes later this year.

I gave special thanks to you guys at the end screen of the game, but want to do a little more for the later release. So in case you want different names than the patreon ones used there tell me which and I'll change them later.

If you give me an link to your own art profile or similear stuff I can also add it to the credits, so just let me now. :3

Ok, that's enough for now..
If you have any questions or feedback feel free to post them and I'll answer as soon as I see them. :>

If you want to you can also let me now about bugs and grammatical errors, then I will take care of them in the later release.

Thanks for your support guys and I hope you like it. :> I'll update you on what I do next. ^^

Extra: In case you're not even interested in Visual Novels and just want to see the art, I added some sort of cheat menu to add bonus stuff later on.

If you click in the lower right corner of the title screen and enter IMJUSTHEREFORART before clicking on the arrow that appears, you unlock the gallery and all the CG's + Scenes to look at without playing the game.


(No title)



I love everything about the novel. You made an amazing thing, from the writing to the animations, you have true talent and i hope to see more from you.


Sadly everything is going a bit slow at the moment, but since I'm done writing and only need to do the last few notes on every scene I hope to start drawing soon. Thanks for playing and your comment :3


Only 2 supporters... anyway, my screen name is fine. Lotsa text ahead by the way. As you probably know already, when this gets a public release people WILL BEG for more and may even try to harass you until you do because this is enough to make people porn crazed. If you don’t plan to continue beyond the demo you may have to make that clear with big red letters somewhere. Now, the most I’ve seen go wrong is that it locks up if you view a scene in the gallery and then try to click on one of the blue circle options. Then In the beginning, there is some weird dialogue and small typos but nothing bad it’s still easy to understand. Full window as you already know makes the dialogue vanish. That’s really all I’ve seen go wrong. Now as for the animations. It’s movement is not what I was expecting (in a good way) the way Fia moves is so smooth. You even managed to portray a feeling of weight which I read like a week ago how difficult that is to animate. And I haven’t seen many artists sfw or nsfw be able to do that even with 3d animation. I also wasn’t expecting sound. Yeah, the sound caught me off guard but was good. this has something the nsfw world lacks to much of which is intimacy. Pure, straightforward passionate love making between 2 people. That’s all I want! (I feel weird talking about porn in such a way) for an unfinished project you aren’t the proudest of. This is 2d animation of quality I’ve never seen before. (dumb phone randomly posts unfinished review/comment) you may not think so but this is amazing even as just a demo. You deserve all the praise you’re going to get for it. Well done! (#^~^#)


That's a lot of nice words, thank you. :3 Maybe it's just 2, but they're the best of all of them. ;P I've got quite the problem when interacting with people and sharing my work. So even if I do some cool stuff it's still hard for me to get it out there and get people to become more interested in it. Because of that I will take some time getting known I guess... But I still think that the biggest reason is because I'm not good enough yet with what I do and it will come with me getting better. I wouldn't mind doing more if theres actually enough people interested in it, but for now I concentrate on getting better and getting more stuff out so people get to know it in the first place. :3 I actually did a lot more with the animation in form of models that would have been even smoother, sadly the software I used messed up a lot and I had to replace it with the video files. But I put a lot of time into them and I'm glad that you liked them. :D There's still a lot of room to grow and what I did in this game was pretty much just a learning phase and I hope to do even better animations in the future. No need to feel weird, it's still art in the end. :D Thanks for the feedback and all the praise. ;3 I'll take a look into the gallery bug and try to fix the dialogue.


So far the game and art/h scene looking for me. Keep it up. If you can I would like to see an auto button in the final build maybe. If it go well hopefully we can add scenes to the game.


People on e621 are nuts for just the few loops you posted, you could almost hear their collective jaws drop. Best part is that most of them don’t know it’s only a fraction of what’s coming in a few weeks. Imagine the jump in support($_$)


Honestly I'm happy to have stumbled you, the animation, care, and detail you've put in your art really shows how passionate you are about it. That's what I love in finding content like this.


I can't remember the last time I enjoyed a visual novel this much. The animated sections were SO well made (and I'm so happy that there were sounds in them!) and the novel in itself was interesting and, of course, adorable. Of course, there was the occasional spelling error here an there, not that many and only minor ones, but that's a small nitpick when you consider that English isn't even you mother language. I am, like most people here, so glad to have found out about you and your project. You've done one hell of a good job with it and I can't wait to see what you might bring us in the future. I'll gladly support you! :)