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trying to make ladynoir answer professionally and failing at it.

they're holding back the real answers to some things because, obviously, they can't tell how deep their marriage is in terms of both their feelings and their powers. Ladybug told Chat Noir to Random-Bullshit his way out of those questions. 

good thing we know the truth tho ;)

will answer more questions in the next part! been a lil busy.



Andrea (trebleclef_zm)

Ok, first of all, I love how LB placed her hand on Chat's knee to calm him. It's those little physical interactions that I'm obsessed with 😩 Secondly, they are so in love I don't think I can handle it. Chat has no filter and I love it. We'll have to see that last part in their daily life 🤭

Baccei ball

I love this series so much