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We're doing it PROPERLY this time. Last time I did this one in a hurry, didn't put the rules here properly, and left for travelling around and felt bad the entire time. This time I'm going to try and really challenge myself to do better.


1. Leave at least two characters in the comments below.
2. I will pick one of them to draw a bust doodle of.
3. Since I do this for practice, I might take more liberties on some characters if i enjoy drawing them a little too much.
4. Make sure to give me something challenging/something you really want to see in my artstyle or think would help me improve.



Ginevra Ellul

How about Jack Russell and Elsa Bloodstone from Werewolf By Night

Amanda d'Adesky (LunaMax1214)

Why is it I always draw (ha) a complete blank when these posts come up? 😭😭😭