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Hey there everyone! Just thought I'd give a little update about what I have in store for the upcoming month. First things first, I want to apologize for the June rewards being so late. My IRL has gotten busier ever since restrictions have lifted at my job and we have been even busier then ever and I've been getting swept up with that. But I'm super happy with how the rewards turned out and I hope you enjoyed them as well!

Now onto a small update. Because I am so busy and swamped with other things that I'm trying to take care of in my personal life, for this month of July, I'm only going to be doing one Patreon poll. I'll return back to 2 in August but right now, I really want to focus on getting other things that I have on the backburner this month. I hope you all can understand.

Anyway that's all I've got to say for now. Thank you for reading and I'll catch you all later, cya!


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