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Hey there everyone. So we're approaching the end of 2020 and I've gotta say that for the first year where I launched my Patreon, it has been pretty decent all things considered. It was awesome to find that there were/are people out there who like what I do and wanted to participate in voting polls to see all kinds of characters get the "BEEF UP" treatment. And it was also a good pass-time that helped me improve with my muscle drawing style because when I compared the first ever reward I offered up to the current one I'll be releasing soon, I took notice of just how far my style has developed! I really want to thank you all for the pledge support for this.

Anyway here are some 𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗻𝘁 updates that I have regarding what I have in store for 2021. 

The first big thing I wanna give a heads up on is that I will be leaking some of my rewards to the public. I really wanna show to others what I have been offering when it comes to my Patreon rewards and I figured that because it's now the end of the year, there's no harm in leaking some stuff. Now here's the thing that I really want you all to understand who may be a tad upset by this. At the end of the day, you all are the ones who decide who gets drawn via voting poll and you will always have early access to the rewards and all the variations that come in them. And this leak thing will only be on a end of the yearly basis so as I said before, you all have first dibs on seeing the rewards first and foremost. With saying that, I hope that you all understand this decision.

Moving on the tiers for 2021 are pretty much gonna stay the same. As far as my 2 characters per month deal, I will eventually try to advance it to 3 characters. The main reason why I did 2 a month was because it was the most doable for me while I still worked at my IRL job & personal work.  I don't want to make it official just yet but I just thought I'd mention it. I can't say when but it is on my radar.

And finally the last update when it comes to the rewards is that when it comes to the variations, I will be adding a nude variation. The main reason why I didn't do that initially is because I needed to practice more on male genitals but  I think I'm at a point where I think I can make them look decent lol. I still need a bit more refinement but just let it be known that I will be adding in a nude variation sometime in 2021. 

Now moving on from the art stuff, I'm still in the middle of trying to find a place to stay. The realtors who own the place I currently live in were kind enough to extend the move out date to the end of December and that's been most helpful because boy has it been difficult finding a place but I'm sure I'll find something hopefully soon. All I know is once I find a place, it'll definitely take a load off the shoulders.

And that's pretty much it. 2020 despite the Pandemic madness that has affected so many of us, I can at least say for myself that the year has been a great time for my art. This year was probably the most of I've drawn in a good while, it's been pretty fun and I'm hoping to continue this steam into 2021 though I'm also hoping to get back and rev up my Gaming YouTube channel as well because I neglected it all this year which I'm so disappointed at that fact lol.

Anyway that's all I've got for now. Thanks for reading and be on the lookout for the rewards of this month dropping soon, I'm hopefully gonna have them out before Christmas!  Until then, take care everyone and have a great upcoming holidays!


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