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To all of our fans, 

As is quasi tradition at this point, a lot of key members of the development team behind Truth have had personal life issues in the past few months. 

To cut to the chase, we will not be able to meet our initially announced release date for the expansion. 

We took the time to ask and discuss with our Patrons, and have come to the conclusion that our best course of action is to delay the release of the expansion as a whole to make sure it releases content-ready. 

As such, you can expect Truth to release on Steam and Itch on Saturday, 15 June 2024.

As a reminder if you aren't 100% up to date on the project, Truth is a free expansion update that will add 6 all-new, full size story chapters, 3 new explorable regions, and a plethora of side content - without even getting into the system changes.  

To make sure we can deliver an expansion that is up to our quality standards, we have no choice but to take more time. 

We're sorry to all of you who were looking forward to enjoying Truth in March, and we're extremely thankful for the continued trust and resources given to us by our generous Patrons. 


DID Games Producer 

P.S. Development is progressing apace now. Please enjoy a sneak peek at a new CG drawn by the talented Boxtie



Andrew Nelson

I would rather have it delayed, then rushed. It gives the play testers in the Beta more time to find bugs. Like the one that I found when the quest log would not update after completing the CRC crystal quest. Right before the new one that you just added. In addition, there are a number of soft bugs, like rebalancing for certain events.


I'll add my voice to say I'd rather have a delay if that means the everything is as it is intended, instead of rushed. And I will be excited for June instead ^^