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Happy Sunday, everyone!
This week's screenshot showcases some work one of our coders has been doing on enemy leveling. Our enemies now have a leveling system so that their levels increase as the game goes on. 
As you can see from the screenshot, this Abduktor Vine's HP has increased as its level gets higher. We hope this will make the enemy AI more interesting and challenging to deal with, as even if you encounter the same enemy, their stats will be different if the enemy level is higher!
This also makes it so that we can do things like having an enemy give more exp if it's a higher level without having to code in a new but almost identical enemy and keep track of it.



Oren Barzilai

Would that be for familiar enemies in newer locations, or do old enemies scale alongside the player?


Primarily it lets us have different levels for the same enemy in different sections of an area. For example, we can make it so that the deeper into a cave you go, the higher the enemy levels get. Or we can make a forest path branch off into an area with stronger enemies.