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First thank you for all the kind comments and messages! Absolutely helps with staying positive. Just wanted to follow up and say I'm doing better after taking the weekend to recharge. Its tough for me to rationalize taking time for a break but I'm changing that.

Also wanted to let you know what's on the horizon. Lara vr is finishing up with the rendering. Plan for Thur/Fri on that post. Harley animation is in the rendering stage. Don't want to set a firm date for it because that usually brings bad luck lol. Also finishing up my last commissioned render.

Got stuff thats pretty early stage for vr, anims, and renders that'll be shared soon as well!

Thank you again for the nice msgs! Ill make sure to do better.


Nora Vilhjálmsdóttir

"Ill make sure to do better" I hope you mean do better to yourself! Your work is top notch and, with time and experience, aside with new upcoming technology and different techniques it will only get better, but right now you should focus on doing better to yourself, take care of you physical and mental health needs and then focus on a healthy way of continuing your work. Remember that your work supplies us with entertainment, but it's not an absolute need. If we have to wait for you to resume releasing content, we can do it. And you decide you can't or won't work on NSFW content anymore, we can tough it up and look for what we want in other places. The thing is, we won't die if you decide to take a pause, or stop for that matter. But if you keep an unhealthy work rate you will just burn yourself out and will suffer way more than we would with your absence. Keep that in mind: you have to be selfish, cause truth is we all are.

Project Vega

Yep the plan is to take more frequent days off. Rather than wait til I hit the wall like I’ve been doing. Most days I do find this tons of fun so it’s usually not an issue though. I think the reasons for pushing so hard are many. Really though if I didn’t enjoy the craft I wouldn’t do this at all though.