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So first of all i'm really sorry for not update a while... been get some insomnia lately ... i really hard to sleep like 2 weeks...

What i want to say...
again this time i really really want to say sorry for all of you that i can't do animation again....

it's just really burn me a lot, and i just can make it...
so yeah right now i just try to do some draw it called ero sheet... it's just some doodle i made every day.... also i change my artstyle (become anime) you can problably see on my pixiv :


change my artstyle
ok yeah it's really diferent... but i just be honest that i really want to do this now, i got really bad depresion laltely causing really bad insomnia... i can't do my project like xxx sim or something else... so i try to make myself feel better to do something that i want to... :;(

again i'm really apologize with this kind of transtiion, if you really not into it... u can just unsubscribe me, cause i will not make animation again... i'm just sayng

again i'm really sorry for all my abandoned project... sometimes i can't help want to make something big, but i'm realize i wasn't capable...

also Thank you for your support until this day... i'm still doing some lewd draw every day, i will post the uncencored version in here... but i'm sorry that i'm not make animation anymore... 

all i want is you guys know what i'm doing right now... so you can decided to pledge me or not... (i'm don't wanna you guys pledges to someone that you not interest)

that's all, sorry for bad english... see u next post ๐Ÿ˜”



Damn bro that's gotta be tough for you, but great that you're changing things, hopefully you'll recover any time soon and that you will have joy in life again by doing the things you like and want to do, always remember your health is number 1 priority I'm excited to see your new chapter of art in here :)


thx bro appreciated it ๐Ÿ˜ญ


I did come for the animations, and I understand the burn out: with the quality and amount you've churned out, not to mention the controls put it, it's not surprising there would be burnout eventually. While (In the very far future) I'm hoping for at least a partial return to the animations, I am curious about this new direction, and the new artwork, while different, is pretty good for a doodle. I'll stay on for a bit, see what emerges. Either way, Just hope whatever direction you go in, you maintain good quality.