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  • Chun-Li vs Naked Maker_longVersion_01.mp4



Hi guys! Here's a little update on what's going on with Chun-Li vs. The Naked Maker! I've completed a significant portion of the storyboard already, and I believe it's going to look fantastic. There will be a lot of animation involved, making it both enjoyable and truly epic! Please don't hesitate to provide any suggestions or critiques you might have. You're the ones supporting this exciting project, so you have every right to voice your opinions. I'll do my best to incorporate any sensible suggestions. Please let me know what you think! As a sneak peek, here's a glimpse of the visuals. I hope you enjoy it! Wishing you all great days ahead!

Once again, big thank you for all the continued support! I really hope you'll have a fantastic time watching this Sexy Epic Battle!!

🇺🇸 Click on the paperclip icon below 👇 with the MP4 file to download and watch the video.

🇫🇷 Cliquez sur l'icône trombone ci-dessous 👇 avec le fichier MP4 pour télécharger et regarder la vidéo.



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