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Was working on this for the past vew days, tweaking and tweaking the second pic, but sometimes you just need to let go and move on. It's good as it is, I could do better but I want to draw more, and I have commissions going. I don't like getting stuck on something for too long anyway.

Hope you enjoy this nonetheless, I loved the concept but now that I spent too much time looking at it I just can't stand these two pics anymore lol. It really happens rarely to me, and in a few months I'll look back at it with fondness and forgiveness towards my past self - you did your best at the time, and it doesn't look half bad so it's okay.

Sorry for the small rant, a few illustration from commissions are coming soon so more art and less talk in the near future !



Arkanum Zilong

I know that feeling very well, its generally how I feel about 90% of what I finish XD Either way, I think they look great!