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"It's not my fault you can't stand, Dimberly," 

I scolded, jingling the keys in my hand and my purse slung tight over the other shoulder. 

"It's time for us to go to the store, and you know that - we need to go on sandwich quest."

Kimmy was a girl of simple needs. Love, affection, and cheap sandwiches she could make last a week. Unfortunately, today, she'd earned a punishment from me that left her legs unable to even be in the same zipcode as one another, let alone walk. That was not my problem.

"I'm going to leave without you."


"I can't go out like this!  I can't!" Not only had Linnie taped me in three extremely thick diapers, but she had dressed me in tight near-see-through pajama pants!  There would be no curiosity, no suspicion.  Only fact.  The fact that an adult was crawling around the store in a very thick diaper.  I couldn't... tears started to fill my eyes.

"Please, Linnie, please... let me change.  I can't even walk!  I can't even stand up without holding onto something!"


"And who's fault is that? Who decided to throw a tantrum when she didn't get to see a movie this morning? Who thought it would be funny to drink my last drink? Who didn't get fruit slices when she said she would, mm? Because I promise you, Dimmy, it wasn't me. And that means it must have been you. Now come on, for all you know, your sandwich could be there and someone could be about to buy it."


I looked at Linnie with steeled certainty, but she always had a way of finding the fear in my eyes.  I wanted my sandwich.  I wanted her to humiliate me.  And it was no more than a second later when she grabbed me by the collar and dragged me out of the house.

"Linnie!  Hey!  No!  Stop!  Stop, stop--"

It was late at night.  The sun had gone down and maybe people couldn't tell what I was wearing?  But I had to hold Linnie's shoulder to stay upright, or I'd topple onto my diapered ass.  The walk to the store was short, but it felt like the longest walk of my entire life...


"I hope you remember this, next time you decide to push as many buttons as possible just to see what happens, Dumbumblebee."

She liked being scolded. She especially liked being scolded in public like that, even if nobody was around who could hear it but us. SHe'd never admit it of course, but it was an open truth in our relationship. Just like she liked having to waddle her ass to the store or face crawling and getting her pretty pajamas pants dirtier than her diaper would be later in the evening.


No one said a word, but boy did they stare.  Every single person we passed, as we made our way through the grocery store, to the deli, and back to the checkout.  I saw phones pointed at me, and I knew those pictures would wind up all over the internet.  Once again, Linnie had destroyed my pride and reduced me to a helpless baby, and she would make sure the entire world knew about it.

My old life was over.  All that was left was this.  Linnie, diapers, and endless humiliation.



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