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My high expectations of getting a Ryzen Threadripper processor this month was dashed away by a low Patreon payout of which some fraudulent Patrons contributed to it as they have no intention of following through to their pledges.

I have no choice but to start posting previews of the $20.00 and $50.00 reward pictures. This $50.00 picture has already been finished of course and it will only be given to those who follow through on their pledges on the first of every month.  All they need to do is to send me a message and i will make it available to them by a link or email it to them, whichever they choose. 

I have already rooted out the and blocked the fraudulent patrons to start fresh as last month's work has been completely wasted on their behalf.

As for the regular patreon posts I will post high resolution pictures as I have normally done before. And I would like to personally  thank all the real Patreons who follow though to their pledges. It's very good to know that you have supported me since I joined Patreon this year and I truly appreciate it. 




Can I get this perfect picture?


That's good. Sadly I can't afford the $20 or above. At the moment. Gotta get a new vehicle. But once that's taken care of, I'll see if I can help you out more B. Been wanting to support you for a long time now. So, I'll do the best I can with what I got.


Is this donation raise...mandatory?


Oh no. It's not a raise. This only applies for those donating for $20 and $50 rewards. As as for you and the rest of the patrons, its business as usual with full pictures. :)