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01:33 Preface

03:34 What race were they?

11:05 “Kemet means land of the blacks”

11:55 “Cleopatra was black”

13:11 “The Ptolemy’s were mixed”

14:30 “Cleopatra could speak Egyptian”

15:05 “Cleopatra’s sister was black”

16:39 “Egypt is the the Mediterranean”

17:28 “The ancient Egyptians had olive skin”

19:27 “We can’t trust colour paintings”

19:55 “The Egyptians hated black Africans”

28:41 “The Egyptians were not black”

30:52 “Their skin colour was symbolic”

31:39 “Herodotus didn’t say they were black”

35:53 “Only black people are biased”

36:50 “Egyptology can’t be racist”

51:48 “We can’t trust artwork”

53:45 “They were NOT genetically African”

57:13 Genetic study shows African DNA

01:00:00 “Those results were debunked”

01:00:18 “The testing company is not credible”

01:00:59 “King Tut had European DNA”

01:06:33 Genetic study shows Semitic DNA

01:17:07 White Egyptologists say...

01:24:57 Skeletal evidence

01:27:19 Mummies

01:31:23 Forged Artifacts




Great video. You did more research for this than Ridley Scott did for his Napoleon film.


Really good informative video. I’ll def return for a second viewing. Felt like a re-education and an entrance to a new rabbit hole I never knew I needed.


Need part 2 asap


Will this available for download?

Jack Buchan

Very interesting watch 😍! Call me ignorant but I didn't even know that this was a contested subject, I find it mind boggling how much energy peope invest into the tone of someone's skin, all human beings at the end of the day, very well presented video though! I'm currently 1.20hrs through, wee 20 mins left in the car and then onto part 2! 😁👍