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Brave Counsel

Hamas run by the CIA, but ultimately the IDF and HAMAS both run by the Sabbatean cult. I’m sure many in HAMAS think they are fighting for freedom etc, but they are being played. Think about it this way. HAMAS just gave Isreal the opportunity of a generation, to do to Gaza, what they have wanted to for a long time, ie, to take it over and ultimately, expand their borders further. Surely anyone with a brain would understand that committing an atrocity against Israeli civilians is just the excuse needed for an escalation in the conflict. Everyone already calling it Israel’s ‘9/11’ Psychological warfare much?


Good work Hatman. The war crimes being committed in Gaza right now are shocking. Yet the west just t urns a blind eye. I'm in complete shock.

Suleiman choudhry

You should check out Albert pike letter to giuseppe mazzini where he prophesied the first two WW and third to come.