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VIDEO VERSION HERE https://www.mediafire.com/file/16q6x7p9wjch3tp/THE_DARK_SIDE_OF_AFRICAN_PAGANISM.mp4/file



So that’s Africa, added to my list of places never to visit number one is Mexico


Noo !! Please understand what I’m trying to say. Africa is a very beautiful continent. My country Nigeria is extremely awesome . Loads of British folks live in Nigeria . As a visitor you’d love it . You’d experience an hospitality, love and care from my people like you’ve never ever had in your life. The bad things happens mostly in-house/within family.


Ok I’ll go. But I still ain’t going to Mexico!

Brave Counsel

Fascinating take on African paganism. How much of an influence do you feel African paganism has on African and black communities in the United Kingdom? Do you believe that any of the knife crime elements and problems seen in London are influenced by African problems if at all? Or is gang culture more affiliated and influenced by Caribbean cultural issues such as Jamaican crime?


Yeah ! You never tell nobody in Africa yoy returning home. That rule 101. It’s never neighbour it’s your own family that would kill you. Especially when you’ve bn sending pounds to them to help build a house and they’ve squandered the money. You are dead meat!! Your own father and mother would conspire to take you out clean!! Countless stories of Nigerians working 2-3 jobs for years sending all the pounds to family back in Nigeria for building project and they end up bn killed. Some people get poisoned and if they survive they jump on the next flight back to the uk and they struggle to recover mentally. It is worse for folks with no resident permit but has managed to work menial jobs for years sending every pence they had back home . Immigration gets hold of them at some point , they get deported back to Nigeria only to find out all the money that he/she sent to build, start a farm, business was wasted on frivolous things. People like that gets killed when they try to fight or they just run mentally sick and would never recover.