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You’ve yet to say anything about Zuby doing the exact same hand symbol as Tate and Ronaldo. He was even throwing up the all-seeing-eye & the 666. Not to mention, he was going viral on Twitter during lockdowns. He was flying across the world to Australia and other countries giving speeches and going on TV news shows (FOX, Joe Rogan, Sky News etc). Furthermore, he was educated at St Edmund Hall, Oxford. Who knows who he networked with or what secret societies he was apart of. He could be a fed, similar to Tate. The owner of FTX is 100% a fed. Just look at his name 😂 Sam Bankman Fried 😂 does it get anymore obvious than that? The whole crash was orchestrated.


I follow Zuby on Insta and I've never seen any pictures where he's throwing up the same symbol as Tate. You mentioning it is the first I've ever heard about it.


Synchro-mysticism you render as you go but we do it on a widespread scale via the group mind hence why they tell you what they are going to do, in conspiracy circles,movies,predictive programming etc to make it a “reality” (whatever that actually is) The crypto crash is defo orchestrated and I have been waiting for an event like this to happen for a while as it has been showing in the charts it needed the catalyst for the next drive down,they will scare the majority out of crypto before it pumps again, it’s just standard market manipulation but done in a Wild West scenario so they can make even more money.


He's not making the same hand sign as Tate in any of those pictures. The sign Tate makes has only the index fingers and thumbs pressed together and the other fingers folded. Zuby isn't doing that. As for the other signs he's making, I'm not sure what to make of it. If he's only done them once each, then it might be nothing.


So you only raise suspicion when they do it more than once? Btw, I’m not claiming Zuby is a fed, but it does make you raise your eyebrow. And, I’ve got to reiterate something you said many years ago “even though they may be agents, they can still do good work.” Which is what I’m leaning towards on Zuby, Rogan, Jones and less so, Tate.


I don't blindly trust any public figures at all, including Zuby, because I don't know these people personally. I can only go off what I've seen them do, heard them say, and what I know about their background. I haven't seen Zuby do anything overtly suspect yet, but there's plenty of space under the bus if he does.


"plenty of space under the bus" 😂 That's the best oxymoron I've ever heard you use. I'd imagine there isn't much space under there after 2020!