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You love being partial by cherry-picking segments of the conversation to suit your narrative. I told you, the Ancient Egyptian gods (Ra, Anubis, Osiris, Horus etc) are far more interesting to me than the pyramids. The pyramids were a great invention at the time, especially with the limited tools they had. Graham Hancock even questioned if the Egyptians used some form of telekinesis to move the stones into place. No one knows for sure. But one thing is for certain. Today, a construction firm could easily & swiftly recreate the pyramids with modern-day equipment and machinery. Not once did I claim the Ancient Egyptian civilisation was white. I said from what I've saw, they looked like they had lighter skin, similar to the Egyptians of today. Never once did I dispute they were African. “Racist” is a loose and overused term based on an arbitrary definition. So I can’t really debate why you think I’m racist unless you explain what racist is to you. I don’t use the term loosely. Racism to me is the hatred of another race, or thinking your race and everyone apart of it is superior at everything. Maybe you’d label me a racist for claiming black people are better sprinters whereas white people are better swimmers. Maybe it’s too controversial to have a proper discussion. With that being said, I can't recall you ever saying Anthony Joshua is a racist for the explicit statements he's made. Everyone has an unconscious bias, and to say otherwise is laughable. It's unconscious for a reason, not to be debated. Yeah, some people can be way more objective than others, but everyone still has an underlying unconscious bias that is impossible to remove. If you listen to your post-fight review on Wilder/Fury 3, you can clearly see that you were somewhat rooting for Wilder or at least showing more sympathy for him versus other fighters. You sounded a little down and depressed by the way he lost. But if you compare it to when Helenius got knocked out by wilder, with his eyes rolling in the back of his head, you seemed to show way less sympathy.


Spare me your tiresome projections. You said Elon Musk is "much more intelligent than the people who built the pyramids", which is such an absurd claim it's not even funny. Elon Musk bought all his companies; he didn't start them. Easy thing to do when you're raised rich, as he was. If you sent him back to ancient Egypt he wouldn't be building anything. Human technology today is the end result of thousands of years of incremental innovation, with each successive generation using the contemporaneous technology as their starting point. If you sent a modern engineer back in a time to ancient Egypt, he wouldn't have any idea how to build a pyramid. He wouldn't know where to start. They used specialist construction methods that nobody knows or uses today, which required a particular type of talent. There are areas of specialisation today which would be completely obsolete in ancient Egypt, and vice versa. For example, some talented software programmers don’t have talent for anything else, thus if they lived in a time when there were no computers, they’d be useless. Such people are only deemed “smart” today because they’ve found a specialist niche within the current technological paradigm. Similarly, if you brought some of the architects of the pyramids into the modern day and tried to teach them advanced computer science, they might be totally useless at it. They may not have a talent or aptitude for it. "Today, a construction firm could easily & swiftly recreate the pyramids with modern-day equipment and machinery." that statement is total and utter bullshit, but what else should we expect from you? Robert Bauval is a construction engineer who worked on huge building projects his whole life, and both he and other construction engineers have said that it would be extremely difficult (perhaps impossible) to replicate the pyramids today, even with modern equipment. You saw the video where he said this (and the reasons he gave), but you're being wilfully ignorant, as usual, because it doesn’t suit your narrative. Are you going to ignore this again? I bet you will. I showed you countless pictures and statues -including from King Tut’s tomb- of Egyptians with Afro’s, brown skin, and clearly African features. But once again, you ignored all of this, and insisted that the ancient Egyptians are the same as the Egyptians today- which would mean they were Arabs, not black. You kept posting the same few pictures over and over again, depicting very light skinned people, to try and bolster your claim. I explained to you several times (which you continuously ignored, of course) that it is universally accepted that Egypt was invaded by the Greeks and Romans in the last few centuries of its existence, hence you had Pharaohs like Cleopatra and Ptolemy who were basically white. During this time, known as ‘the late period’, Egypt became very mixed because of these invasions. And this is what the pictures you posted were depicting- what Egypt looked like after the Europeans invaded. However, this period constitutes only about 10% of Egypt’s known history, and it happened long after the pyramids were built. The other 90% of Egypt’s existence, was, by all the evidence available, an almost entirely black civilisation. Not Arab, or mixed like modern Egyptians. No, black. That is what the overwhelming weight of evidence shows. They are clearly depicted with Afro hair, African body types, and African facial features in countless paintings and sculptures (going right back to the very first Pharaoh, Narmer)- things which most modern Egyptians don’t have. They were even described in this exact way by the ancient Greeks (having brown skin and curly hair). But you ignored this, because it doesn’t suit your narrative. Will you ignore it again this time? 100% guaranteed.


And, more specifically about skin colour; Africans have a wide variety of skin colours among them, something I’ve also shown you countless times. Khoisan in southern Africa are genetically pure black (the purest of all black people, in fact), but they are as light skinned as mixed race people. Ethiopians and Eritreans also tend to be light skinned. But all of these groups have afro hair, and black facial features, just like ancient Egyptians, and not like modern Egyptians. But of course, you once again ignore all this because it doesn’t suit your narrative (yawn). You’re not interested in what the objective truth actually is, your only interest is in racial points scoring. Thus the truth about ancient Egypt presents a problem for you, which is why you act so wilfully ignorant whenever we've discussed the topic. You are very clearly a deeply insecure young man, who uses racial pride as a shield to hide behind. This is why you obsess over race (and racism), and project your prejudices onto other people. You want to feel justified in behaving this way, so you try to make out that others (like me) are just like you. But no, Danny. I’m not like you at all. I have a much stronger sense of individual identity than you do. I don’t see everything through the lens of racial competition, as you so obviously do. I don’t have to, because my sense of pride comes from my character and achievements as an individual. But you apparently have very little to be proud of as an individual, so you hide behind being “proud of my peoples” instead. The claims you’ve made about me being bias in favour of Wilder are so baseless, so pathetic, and such obvious projection, it’s not even worth responding to. I’ve backed Fury in 99% of disputes he’s had with Wilder, and here you are claiming I’m biased in his favour. You couldn’t make it up. And as for AJ -I mean, talk about reaching- I condemned all the BLM marches and all the people who attended (most of whom were black), and the entire movement right from the very start. Many, many times as well. Black people were calling me “an uncle Tom” and a “sell out” for doing so. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve called out black people for being racist and having double standards about racism, right here on Patreon, in loads and loads of episodes. But, incredibly, your mind blocks all of that out entirely, and instead exclusively focus on the amount of time I spent criticising AJ specifically. As if the countless other times I've spent criticising black people never even happened at all. Absolutely bizarre. It's not that race and racism is ‘too controversial’ to talk about Danny, it’s that your bias and obsession is so deep, and so pathological, that you find it completely impossible to be objective. Having a conversation with you about race, is like having a conversation with a normie about covid. That’s literally what it’s like. You’re too pathological to reason with.


I think it's safe to assume nearly everyone today is "more intelligent" than the Ancient Egyptians simply by progressing "incrementally" as you stated further on. I imagine we know far more today about structural engineering, mathematics, physics than the civilisations of more than a thousand years ago. I'd examine "intelligence" by general knowledge and understanding. It seems as though you examine intelligence based on the ability to invent, which is fair enough. I can't remember saying specifically "Elon Musk is much more intelligent than the Egyptians" but if I did, it would've been because of what I said above. I agree with your second point. I've always said what the Egyptians did was a great feat with their technology at the time. I'm not dismissing Graham's suspected claims of telekinesis or other ancient practices such as alchemy, divination, remote viewing etc being helpful in the construction. But based on what we do know and can confirm, I don't see what they did we couldn't do today with more machinery. After doing more research, some engineers suspect we could replicate them whereas others don't. It's an up in the air question. And we'll most likely never find out, because who's going to put aside billions of dollars to rebuild a stone pyramid just to say "we could"? "I showed you countless pictures and statues -including from King Tut’s tomb- of Egyptians with Afro’s, brown skin, and clearly African features. But once again, you ignored all of this, and insisted that the ancient Egyptians are the same as the Egyptians today- which would mean they were Arabs, not black." I told you during the conversation, "from what I've seen, the ancient-Egyptians looked light-skinned similar to the modern-day Egyptians. As you pointed out, Africa is a huge continent, with many types of tribes and people. I never disputed they were African. It's got nothing to do with "suiting my narrative." What is my narrative exactly when it comes to the Egyptians? "You’re not interested in what the objective truth actually is, your only interest is in racial points scoring." If I'm so entangled in the concept of racial point scoring as you're making me out to be, why wouldn't I claim they were white, explicitly, as many others do? I can only go by what I've researched, you've obviously done way more research and are far more interested than me in the Egyptians, so you'll have a better idea. "You are very clearly a deeply insecure young man, who uses racial pride as a shield to hide behind." Wrong and wrong. Firstly, you know I'm confident. "Shield to hide behind". You have this concept whereby if you're proud of what your ancestors accomplished, you must be insecure and not have any individualism, which couldn't be further from the truth. This is why topics on race is "too controversial" because once people start making objective presuppositions about history, race etc, you're called "insecure" and whatever else. You also claim you have to take full responsibility for ALL the actions your race has done, both good and bad, which is absurd. "But, incredibly, your mind blocks all of that out entirely, and instead exclusively focus on the amount of time I spent criticising AJ specifically." The reason I brought that to attention was because you explicitly labelled me a "racist" on this episode. Yet, you aren't on record specifically calling AJ a "racist" who made crystal clear racist comments that aren't defendable. It absolutely is "too controversial" hence why you've labelled me a "racist" for my hypotheticals and views. I'm always opened to others opinions and alternative views and I will change my stance if it makes sense.
