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Following on from a conversation I had on an earlier post, I came across some very interesting statistics. It will be no surprise to most of you, to know that in the vast majority of countries on earth, the overwhelming majority of murder victims are men. The average gender split is roughly 79/21 (79% of murder victims being men, and 21% being women). However, there are a minority of countries that buck this trend, and what might surprise you, is that a disproportionately large number of these are western, or other 'developed' countries.

For example, the percentage of murder victims who are female in South Africa is 15.4%, whereas in New Zealand it's 51.2%. In Uganda it's 13.8%, whereas in Japan it's 52%. In Puerto Rico it's 5.9%, whereas in Switzerland it's 50%. The general trend is that in western or 'developed' countries the percentage of murder victims who are female is actually higher (much higher in some instances) than it is in most 'third world' or 'traditional' countries. Greece for example, has among the lowest percentages for female homicide victims in the world, at just 6.6%. And Greece, of course, is one of the most traditional societies in Europe. Muslim countries (particularly in the middle east) have among the lowest figures in the world as well; examples being Bahrain (14.4%), Egypt (12.2%), Kuwait (16.4%), Morocco (12.2%), Sudan (14.7%), Syria (16%), UAE (13.2%); all well below the global average. In the UK, incidentally, the percentage of murder victims who are female is around 30%, which is about 9% above the global average.

Now of course, 'third world' countries have far higher murder rates than western countries overall, mainly due to poverty, tribalism and other factors (although some of the Muslim countries I just mentioned are not ‘third world’, they’re very rich, have very low murder rates, but are still ‘traditional’). But in terms of the percentage of victims who are female as opposed to male, it's often substantially lower in the third world and/or traditional countries. And this isn't just down to misleading mathematics; for example, if a country with a small population only had 2 murders a year, 1 male victim and 1 female victim, that 50% female victim rate might lead you to believe it's a really dangerous country for women. When in reality it was merely down to the fact that they only had 2 murders. But the trend I've discovered holds true even in countries with large populations like Germany, in which 47.3% of murder victims are women, nearly 30% higher than the global average.

There could be variety of factors that contribute to this trend, but it certainly flies in the face of feminist rhetoric, which often claims that traditional cultures are synonymous with violence towards women. The data, in fact, shows that serious violence is directed towards women at a higher percentage in modern, ‘progressive’ societies, than it is in traditional cultures. I’m sure that one of the main reasons for this, is that men and women tend to clash a lot more in the west. Another factor could be western court systems, which tend to be very biased in favour of women in child custody and home ownership battles; perhaps this helps to push some men ‘over the edge’. Female promiscuity tends to be much higher in the west, leading to a larger number of angry male spouses and lovers.

It should go without saying that I AM NOT condoning the murder of women. I’m merely taking an objective, dispassionate look at why they’re killed at a much higher rate in some countries than they are in others. I’ve long suspected that women are actually ‘safer’ and more ‘protected’ in traditional cultures than they are in ‘progressive’ countries. I first came to this realisation after living in the middle east for several years. It it virtually unheard of for Arab women in Qatar, UAE, Bahrain, etc, to be sexually assaulted, drugged, or raped, by male friends or even strangers in these countries. Any man caught committing such a crime over there would suffer a fate worse than death. It just doesn’t happen. These things are infinitely more common in ‘liberal’ societies.

Obviously there are terrible husbands out there who will take out all of their worldly frustrations on their innocent wives, in the form of violent abuse. You can find these men in every society. But contrary to what feminist propaganda would have people believe, these men are a small minority in most countries. I grew up in a traditional family, in a traditional country, in the 1980’s, and none of my married female relatives were abused. Advocating for the destruction of traditional families is self defeating. It's like burning down the entire house because there's mice in the kitchen. 

Anyway, have a look at the stats for yourselves and tell me what you think.


Homicide statistics by gender - Wikipedia

According to the data given by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, worldwide, 78.7% of homicide victims are men, and in 193 of the 202 listed countries or regions, men were more likely to be killed than women.[citation needed ] In two, the ratio was 50:50 ( Switzerland and British Virgin Islands), and in the remaining seven - Tonga, Iceland, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea, Latvia, and Hong Kong - women were slightly more likely to be victims of homicides compared to males.



It’s cos hoes

Jamie South Yorkshire ????

I’ve just came back on Patreon after a year break and I can’t find no videos hat man as done since October 2021 we’re are they all