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Nice work staying sober brother keep at it and the boxing

kings Norton LTD

Hey find your views interesting. Would you do a video on your views of the marriage of John mccrick and his wife who he calls the booby. And the simp husband of edwina currie. Two very contrasting personalities in those men. They were featured on an episode of wife swap. Have a look you’d find it interestinghttps://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6jgfee


To comment on your points made about the british being so reserved, here's my opinion: I am from glasgow, glasgow has a huge drug and drink culture, I am from a Housing scheme (a council estate in england). In this housing scheme most people drink every week, whether it be at the weekends, or every day, or binge drinking. Now I myself was a part of the drugs and drink culture here in glasgow, but now I am focusing on boxing, and I have been teetotal for a year. This has gave me a completely different perception of the culture here. Here in glasgow you are seen as weird for not taking part in the degeneracy of perpetual partying on a weekly basis. Now I mention this because, I believe in the UK, there is a weird hive subconscious fear that they will be seen as outsiders an judged for having confidence, ambition, and cognitive awareness. Usually I only get most people under the age of 60 speaking to me when they under the influence of drink or drugs, so this my be one reason, people are just so programmed into hiding who they are, and living through a lens of using narcotics and alcohol to reveal parts of their subconscious mind (Their true self). Another interesting point to me which could give explanation to this, is the class divide in the UK. Now think about Indian and pakistani culture. I have lived in student accommodations, and I hung around with indians, and I have had Pakistani friends, and I realised, the self-hate these two cultures have for their own countrymen, Indians more-so, and I am speaking for the younger generation here, as that is who I have come across, reminds me of the self-hate British people have each other, now interestingly, the british raj infiltrated south asia in the past. I therefor believe the class system may be another big reason as to why there is a more socially timid culture here in the UK, and there are less social people in India and Pakistan. america for example, doesn't have the same class systems the uk, india, and pakistan have, italy does have a class system, but as far as I'm aware correct me if i'm wrong, it doesnt have aristocratic routes, or as deep aristocratic routes as there is with the class division in the UK and south Asia. But these are just some of my observations, and my opinions. I think a lot of people here in the UK rely on drink and drugs to express who they actually are, and I think due the the bureaucratic nature of the UK, not just politically, but also socially; class divides, religion divides, Catholics, protestants, unionists, republicans. I believe all this mentioned makes people here more socially reserved than in some other places in the world. Keep up the good work hatman, I am 21, I have been brought up in a crazy single mother household, and I am white, A quarter Cypriot, so these crazy single mothers exist in other races haha, I think again UK culture definitely has a part to play in this. Keep up with your masculine focused content, I am trying to become a real man, I have been a simp in the past, and now I am on the path to become a real man, My dad is a left-wing beta male feminist, my mother is a crazy masculine aggressive woman who is extremely hedonistic haha, so these podcasts really do help me on my journey, as I haven't really had positive role models in my life, and I am aware of the emotionalism I carry, but I am a man, I box, but I haven't always been on this path, so its greatly appreciated! I have just resubscribed again recently, but you have a long term patreon member in me, keep it up!