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It's been a monumental headache, as I've been having issues with my Macbook, hence the delay. The fans stopped working, so the mac was getting insanely hot, running very slow etc. I had to download third party software to activate the fans manually. It's not the first issue I've had with it either. Mac's are overpriced garbage. You're mostly paying for the 'prestige' of the Apple brand, form factor, and gimmicky OS features. Stick to Windows or Linux Machines.



I was considering getting a MacBook Pro but I just hate the apple OS. On a different note really enjoyed the last episode, absolutely bizarre character.

Box Out

Hey Hatman 👋 I just finished both parts. Excellent stuff, gave me lots of food for thought. Regarding Simon Cowell, this was definitely something I didn't know! There is something that's never sat right with me when it comes to him. He is clearly not interested in women unless it's to his advantage but that's by and by. The thing I find most clever yet uncomfortable about him is that his company is called SyCo entertainment. A clever and fitting name I'd say though funny he'd choose SyCo and not SiCo as the spelling because I suppose the latter could be pronounced as "sicko". I've always thought that he is on the spectrum though the jury is still out on just how psychopathic he is. Peace and blessings!