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Needed this. Thank you.


See I am currently reading a book called the ego and the ID, it’s a Freud book, and he has a theory in said book that we have genetic identification that is passed on from our tribe/race/heritage. The ego Freud believes; is more influenced by perceptions, both internal and external. This makes complete sense to me, as I have taken LSD, and it different dosages. I believe that peoples egos are stronger than others, this is why I’ve known people who have “ego deaths” on very small dosages of lsd. Now these people I spoke to had easy upbringings compared to mine, so I believe the ego is a protective layer over ones ID. Now the reason I am posting this on this post is because as a person I make no sense at all, I wasn’t born an aplha male, at points in my life I was a gamer with extremely low testosterone, now I am 21 and I have a huge beard, I am a boxer, and before that I went through a big drug and looking for trouble phase. I believe the sheer mass of betas we see is engineered, I’m not saying all; or even the majority of betas are engineered, but a large percentage nowadays are definitely engineered by external perceptions in my opinion, and I believe I was one of these people. I think being truly aplha, is an identification, but also think there can be aplha males developed in the ego, through perceptions. I laughed at the badminton comment, because I used to love badminton, back when I was 15, and was fat and had low testosterone, but I played it recently went to this club, and I said to my friend, I can’t do this shit hahaha, all this poofy passive aggressive snidey competitiveness, and I said to my friend a can’t do this shit haha. In a boxing gym when you get those snidey characters you can at least smash the guy in the face when your sparring. But my point is, I concur with Freud, In that we are made up of instincts and perceptions, when I have taken high dosages of LSD, and my ego died, I saw that I was quite a psychotic, and very multi-faceted character, there was trips where I was getting extremely aggressive, but also trips where I would be like a baby, asking for hugs, and reassurance, and I feel this may be due to my unstable upbringing. So I agree hatman that in an identification sense there are just born aplhas, but there also suppressed and repressed aplhas, and suppressed and repressed betas in my opinion. I have seen scheme stabbers, as we call them here in Scotland, be complete pussies when they smoke a joint, and I have seen beta guys like my father who just explode into fits of rage and violence on the street. So yes, there is definitely born aplha males, and born betas, but the ego evolves and devolves through perception bias. I am currently writing some theories I have on mk ultra, and how I believe most normies are actually being controlled, using this knowledge of the ego. Think about it, sigmund Freud was definitely an aristocrat, and he had this knowledge (or theory if you don’t believe this is true), so you don’t think the social engineers utilise such knowledge? He even talks in this book, which I am 2/3rds through, about how most people subconsciously desire control and authority, and that this is built within most peoples identification, and subconscious as you mention frequently. So I believe that most peoples egos are modified through the use of perceptions. I am going on and on here, but I also believe fear, is much deeper than it may appear to be at the surface. I believe that one of the biggest characteristics is fear of consequence, fear of consequence is in all of in my opinion, it is multilateral. I believe that the normies fear of consequence is of rules, and this is how laws, to a large extent, subdue a large portion of participants within a society. Because most of these people have a fear of consequence that ACTION will lead to a certain negative vicissitude, so most normies I feel are like this. Then you have criminals, and divergents, boxers, big risk takers, and they also fit into this theory. In my opinion These people fear that INACTION will have negative vicissitudes on their goals and ambitions. So they commit crimes, take big risks, to get what they want, as they fear that INACTION will not produce the subsequent consequential outcome they are looking for. Hence why they are willing to take such risks. I believe most divergents have this fear, but I feel it is people the fear is stronger in others that do more drastic things in order to circumvent the consequence of their ACTION or INACTION respectively. I believe this is why we see normies taking more jabs than George kambosos, and also why we see crazy acts of violence, we all have different motives, there is criminals who are more restrained, there is psychopaths who are more restrained than others, and normies who are less acquiescent than others. Again I am only 21, yes I have taken a lot of drugs haha, but I am working on improving my psychological analysis, but I think there definitely is Something there with freuds work, that could maybe even be a blueprint Into the understanding of human psychology the Elites have. Because as they have understood since the Second World War, Psychological manipulated and subversion is a way more powerful tool than physical warfare, I believe fear of consequence is utilised even more nowadays, consequence is used very subversively nowadays, well not to us, but to normies, hate speech laws, having your bank accounts shut down, and I feel a lot of truthers are even dictated by fear of consequence. I’m rambling a bit now, but I will be doing more extensive thinking into this subject, and I am currently writing down my own theories, but I think Freud really was more influential than academia makes believe. I think most of these ingenious psychologists may of been used by the establishment to gage an understanding of how to control the masses. and if you don’t think your ego can be controlled, go take a high Dosage of LSD, hit and ego death, and see how bound you are to your identifications, this is why you get ket heads in the drug scene, even coke heads, snorting glamourised battery acid, and horse tranquilliser, but they won’t touch lsd, or even weed in some cases, which used to boggle my mind. But now I feel especially when reading through this book, their super-ego may actually be trying to protect them from taking such substances, according to Freud your super-ego is made of up identifications (feelings, instincts and sensations), and the moral and grounded side your ego produces, hence it’s other name the “ego-ideal” The dictionary definition of idealised is: “regarded or represented as perfect or better than in reality.” So in Freuds opinion the ego-ideal an is an ideal version of one’s self, they ID, and their perception of reality. To conclude I feel that the divergent have much stronger egos than normies do, which means they are harder to control with perceptions, but even a lot of truthers are controlled by perceptions of harsh consequences and dystopian vicissitudes. This can be explained in someone like myself who has a massive ego, or even you hatman who has a huge ego, we are harder to control, where as most nomries have weak egos, which can be altered much more effectively. Anyway my theories need some work, and I still have lots of learning to do, but I haven’t studied any types of psychology in academia, I have college qualifications in financial services haha, but I have a deep interest in human psychology, not just hive psychology, but cognoscenti psychology, aka the psychology the establishment may use to control the hive. And again if I can get added to the element group that would be great haha, I’ve just joined recently but I feel I can bring my creative thinking to the truth tribe, and I feel it’s self explanatory from my rhetoric, but I haven’t been Devin haney’d aka jabbed haha, big up hatman, I am learning a lot from listening to your podcasts💪