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Hi Hatman can you please add me- @fidelcastro23:matrix.org

peter lally

When I see Crowley, I don't see the most evil man alive.  I see a goth, a bisexual man with a soft body, who one of you would double up with a fairly gentle blow to his tummy.  I think it is more he scandalised polite society, he did have some money, he did attend Public School and Cambridge.  It all looks like Public School theatrics, a smattering of classical learning, and Greek tastes.  He isn't a big brain, he's no intellectual.  He seems to have gone down the social ladder, to mix with the vulnerable, who he was able to control, and ended up a penniless drug addict.   A strict Abrahamic upbringing is going to be suffocating to an arty bisexual, who want to go mad on drink, drugs, dressing up, etc.   I feel his actions are probably in large part a rebellion against the strictures of Christianity.  He's also half-Irish, so it is not uncommon for an Irish Man to take a thing too far, go over the top, go mad for drink, drugs, sex, etc.  Think Tyson Fury.  It's all or nothing with them.  But it's not really the most evil man alive. If you want intellectual, then Nietsche is your man.  He was not for racial genoicde, and was actually a defender of Jewish intellectualism,  and the cleanliness it had brought to European thinking.  He simply stated that the German people had spoken and were not able to digest more Jews, that German culture was not strong enough to survive the stronger Jewish culture.  He hated boorish Germans, German food, German weather, German patriotism, etc.  The connections to Hitler were due to his sister and her husband.  It is more that some Nietsche's many ideas were used by others, such as you hear sports people spouting today "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger", etc. For those with an interest, check the preview of this book in Amazon, the table of contents, see does it appeal to you.  I know you boxers don't want a copy of "The Gay Science" laying beside your bed, but it is what the Provencal culture used to call poetry, and what Nietzsche is reusing to call Philosophy.   https://www.amazon.co.uk/Science-appendix-Translated-commentary-Kaufmann/dp/0394719859/ref=sr_1_1?crid=HA1BH0L1ZLUB&keywords=the+gay+science&qid=1649514725&sprefix=the+gay+science%2Caps%2C68&sr=8-1&asin=0394719859&revisionId=&format=4&depth=1 Nietzsche is at the forefront of a beyond Christianity thinking - he famously proclaimed God dead.  People like Crowley are just taking a few of his ideas, mixing them to their theatricality, and I guess personality and dare.  But is all seems a bit dumb.. Blavatsky and Crowley, come over to me as fantasists.   Did they have any real talents or powers - maybe.  But I think a good percentage of what they are doing is Paul Daniels / Doris Stokes stuff.   Why would the Abrahamic Religions be wary of mathematics, or science, etc.  Well I think there are two sides.  One is the benefits of technology, but you can see the evil that come through it too, it opens a backdoor. People start to make science a religion with Covid, or Transhumanism - see how the sheep could be hurt by it.  Look at how Bitcoin is Deified by some - how souls can be lured in to greed.  I think the better side of the Abrahamic Leaders can see or at least sense that backdoor danger.  Fearful of Mathematics - well you have symbols, and the Jewish Kabbalah is numbers based, I think for Egyptians (maybe, or was it another civilisation?) they saw geometry as a magic, by which you could control people.  Something like that.  Again,  it's like a potential backdoor.  But to ban it totally, is to have no freedom, is stifling, and not life at all.   Christianity was a slave religion - it was not for the rich people.  That they should have elitist religions and traditions, should I guess not be surprising.   Asset of British Military Intelligence - I guess they could get blackmail on people, like with Saville and Epstein.  And also they have to check on secret societies. I like Raymond Chandler the writer, and he writes from California in the 1930's and 1940's , and he says California is full of phoneys.  I think LeVey is one of those.  You could see why an area of freedom, like the Bay Area, will attract all sorts of lovers of freedom, good and bad.  Look how the occult guys came out of the woodwork to speak against lockdowns - they need their freedom!


Whoever wants to strengthen their stance on something they will use Nietzsche, refer to some of his ideas to just to say "look, great Nietzsche though the same". He is heavily used by everyone. In my language book "The gay science" is translated like "The joyful science". Just couple of days ago I listen some philosopher comments how silly english title is