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Jonathan Lake

1. Jesus came for a purpose to save man from eternal death and bring him back to the creator (Gen 3:22). 2. Jesus refered to a life and vine tree of salvation (John 1:4, Cols 3:4 & John15:1). 3. The Bible also give you instance where your salvation and belief is your own pathway to salvation your own ticket I.E (the 10 virgins wise and foolish prepared n not prepared Mat 25.1-13, another verse throw not your pearls before swine less it they be trampled Mat 7:6, seek ye also your own salvation with fear n trembling Philippians 2:12... However once saved or enlightened wouldn't you as an individual want others to be awakened?? Matthew talks of jesus telling the parable sowing the seed that in hope another maybe saved


Hi Hatman, hope all is well! Are you still selling the gaming monitor that you mentioned? My son wants one so I might be interested. What is the make and model, how much do you want?