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We think alike brother. The situation with western women and westernised women is scary. I echo what you say, the best chemistry I had was with this Polish girl who was working here over the summer. I'm not the most masculine guy in the world, but our masculine and feminine felt natural. I would be married now if women in the UK embraced their femininity. Instead I date/met women in their 20s, they might look feminine but they are so masculine. Shamelessly talking about sex from the off by hinting about it (if they still have an iota of femininity left), even one I was originally interested in dating was talking about all this BDSM crap and what turned me off the most was her looking as a potential relationship as if we were like twins or something. Black, white, asian, whatever, sometimes you will see a woman and just know instantly whether she is 'humane' like you said


I'm my new company there are some classy women working there. One has her own life coaching Instagram page and she's a psychologist. That's the type I'm seeking out