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Hatman we had a disagreement about a year ago. I claimed we didn’t have the power to oppose this situation at that moment in time. And it seems that you’ve come to that conclusion as well since then, which is good. I’m definitely appreciating your recent analysis more. Tactically I think it comes down to, who can control the middle more (the middle being business owners, police, politicians, unions, etc). The elite are pressuring the middle with incentives as well as threats. Our threats and incentives have got to exceed those of the elites. Whoever gains control of the middle wins. I Would appreciate a response to this comment. I have a lot of respect for your opinions.


Well, not quite. I said I didn't think there would be another major lockdown, and that the pushback would snowball and eventually lead to the covid agenda being shelved for a while. I was wrong about that, obviously, and I acknowledged that in at least half a dozen episodes and mentioned you by name since in several episodes. At the time you said "we have no power". I disagree with that. We did have the power to resist -as they have done in other countries- we just didn't use it. The real turning point for me was when the majority of adults in the UK went and had the jab. At that point I realised that the resistance in the UK could only ever be minimal, because if the majority have had the jab, then they have no motivation to oppose the passports. In places like France, however, and most other countries in the world, it's different. Because in the case of France there's at least 50% of the population unjabbed, and very strong resistance against the passports. And in most other countries around the world jab rates are currently very low. So no, I don't agree that we have no power, it's whether or not people choose to exercise it. British (and Irish) people have decided to give their power away, but there are still plenty of countries where the public are not complying. You also said this is "the end of man" which is also something I disagree with. You're coming from a Christian perspective, so I understand why you'd believe that. But I think it's something they want you to believe. If they can make enough people believe something then it will manifest, because people will act in accordance with their belief. If enough people believe we have no power and resistance is futile, then they won't resist, and the enemy will have their way. This is why it's so important to believe and visualise positive outcomes, because it can spread by osmosis to other people, and thus increase our chances of victory. But at this current point in the war (and it's a world war), we're losing the battle for Britain, that's for sure. It's certainly not a hotbed of resistance.

Raja khan

Yes hatman, my friend introduced me to your podcast only this week and I’ve listened to 5 you’re on the money with your perspectives. I’m bussin’ out Mexico end of this month, I’ve got a few friends there and there’s massive community as you mention of like minded individuals. My plan is to pass through Guatemala, Nicaragua & finish up in Costa Rica, but who knows maybe extend the trip. I think they want the digital prison in full swing here in UK so they won’t lockdown fully but they will revert to a tier system if they don’t get their outcome, but economically they want the digital enslavement in place so they can start with this NWO/great reset plan, I’m from from London also would be wicked if we could connect and link up on that side of the world 👍🏽