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You’re bang on with your understanding of Swedes Hartman, still no masks, lockdowns etc… But if the gov came out and said you need to wear masks 99% of people would be wearing them. They are a very brainwashed people, overly pc, virtue signaling pussies.


Hatman we had a disagreement about a year ago. I claimed we didn’t have the power to oppose this situation at that moment in time. And it seems that you’ve come to that conclusion as well since then, which is good. I’m definitely appreciating your recent analysis more. Tactically I think it comes down to, who can control the middle more (the middle being business owners, police, politicians, unions, etc). The elite are pressuring the middle with incentives as well as threats. Our threats and incentives have got to exceed those of the elites. Whoever gains control of the middle wins. I Would appreciate a response to this comment. I have a lot of respect for your opinions.