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Just a short one today, but I'll be doing a live stream tonight as well, when I get back from the gym. So stay tuned for that.



I actually did publicly announce to my family and friends that I’m not getting the Pfizer jab cause I knew some of them were on the fence and I care about them. But I didn’t come at it from a conspiracy angle I just said I don’t have faith in it and don’t want anything interfering with my internal system.


The mask thing isn’t as much of an issue for me cause I’ve been to the Far East many times and they’ve been wearing masks for many decades whenever they’re sick. And it’s nicer to be on a train where somebody isn’t giving a cold to me with zero fucks given. Jabs however, get put into your system, you can’t take that off whenever you want. But that’s just my two cents. The banning of nightclubs and festivals where people can actually socialize and potentially pro-create is telling as well.